The 5 series are a modern saw which husqvarna recommend a 50/1 mix "with their oil" no doubt it is a good oil and no doubt this will raise a few eyebrows. I'm talking Europe here and cant see why someone would want to run a modern saw on a 32/1 mix, I dont know anyone that does or would these days, your talking back in the 1960's when it was 16/1 & 32/1 was considered risky.
If you dont want to follow husqvarna Adobe and run 50/1 at least try 40-45/1. I been running 50/1 since the 1980's and never blown a saw up, I have a 550 that's a great little saw I love it and spoil her with 45/1 motul 800 inspect inside regular and always clean and nicely oiled, cant ask for more.