Pittsburgh thoughts and ...

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ArboristSite Guru
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Reading, PA
Sent out an email to the events people for the show asking for an assist in being in Pittsburgh and staying in a tree boat for a nite.

Any other thoughts you may have for being at the event and meeting people and the educational stuff. Ya, don't forget the 'candy' stores.

What are your plans?

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As of right now I will be attending the Champion Climb on Sunday with about a dozen of my cronies. I took Monday (8/9/04) off from work to attend the convention. This all works out rather well seeing that I am only 5 miles from all of the happenings. I would like to get together with other AS members. Lets see what happens.
Originally posted by jkrueger
Sent out an email to the events people for the show asking for an assit in being in Pittsburgh and staying in a tree boat for a nite.

Any other thoughts you may have for being at the event and meeting people and the educational stuff. Ya, don't forget the 'candy' stores.

What are your plans?


What are you talking about? Candy Stores? Camping? Assit? what?

No question about it we'll be having a great time, we just need a little planned get together.

I'll be at the Climbs on both Sat. and Sunday. See you there.
Assit=assist, candy store = shopping for tree toys, camping in a tree boat = jack is on a budget and wants to crash twixt limbs. I think I'm translating Jack correctly.

itcc prelims Saturday 8-4:30; look at the program, rah.
I'll be there Friday to Friday, and I'd really like to meet some of you. The personalities are just getting larger than life! :D
Originally posted by RAHTREELIMBS
I don't have a program. I am going from what I heard.
Then may God have mercy on your mind. That's like relying on AS for tree info:dizzy: and bypassing books and the orgs. A recipe for disaster--listening to idiots like me instead of doing one's own research!

here, this took 18 seconds to find via ISA's website:
http://www.isa-arbor.com/conference/resources/2004 Prelim Program.pdf

The Force is in the Source, Luuke...:alien: :p

o dam nick beat me--must be my age showing...larger than life, impossible. larger than last year's jeans, for sure.:eek:
Got word back from the event, John O. Smith, who copied my message to others who may tell me if a permit is needed for me to 'tree boat' at the site. And reality of the 'arborits hotel' concept.

Gee, this was a goofy idea that came out of my thoughts and now I may have to actually do it. I'll be the guy with the brand new rope and the new top of the line Scarpa zero gravity climbing boots, watching the event from a canopy. The boots are to be dynamite for foot locking.

The question was, "what about a bathroom and shower?'. Oh well, another identifyer, (olfactory).

The secret; I've not set up a treeboat before. Shouldn't be to complicated? Asked Big John to give me pointers and he said, "sure at 100 ft."

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Originally posted by Guy Meilleur
Then may God have mercy on your mind. That's like relying on AS for tree info:dizzy: and bypassing books and the orgs. A recipe for disaster--listening to idiots like me instead of doing one's own research!

Excuse me Guy for being a trusting soul and believeing what good friends tell me. ;)
I'll be bringing lots of gear with me just in case so it won't be a problem to get to you tucked in for night before I retire to the hotel. Wouldn't want to find you on the ground in the morning like some baby birds after a heavy storm.
Originally posted by BigJohn
I'll be bringing lots of gear with me just in case so it won't be a problem to get to you tucked in for night before I retire to the hotel. Wouldn't want to find you on the ground in the morning like some baby birds after a heavy storm.

Thanks, and no confirmation yet. Say, maybe some of you other climbers from the area might have a tree to boat in. Not to far from the event though?
