What is their "normal" warranty? If it is less than this season, I'd ask them to either replace it now or extend that. I think an extension is a win/win. If they are confident it is alive and will continue to be, them no loss to them and you won't be out the plan if it doesn't make it.
That tree come from somewhere south and it is not happy to have been brought into Ohio's late-arriving Spring. Not at all unlikely that the leaves got hit by frost at the retailer since you were bringing it inside. IF that is the case, it will put on a second flush - about the same time as the others around start to come out. That is taxing on a tree to have to use its stored energy reserves on a second flush of leaves before the first have started to "pay back" for what it took to develop those. Just make sure it gets planted at the correct depth, give it 2-3" of mulch (but not piled against the trunk), and make sure it gets about 10-15 gallons of water twice a week if there is no rain.
I'd keep it in the pot to see if a second flush of leaves come on so you don't have to dig up a dead tree if they don't come out...