I have recovered two different thefts from pawn shops, and they had both been reported as stolen. No, the cops didn't locate them, despite all the supposed reporting requirements.
Go visit the pawn shops in your area. Visit on a regular basis; just walk through, look around...leave. If you find a stolen saw, don't cause a big scene. Just call the cops, notify the department that checks on the pawn shops. Take pictures of your stolen property, making sure that you have good pics that prove your stolen property is in their store. THEN notify the pawn shop of your discovery. Advise them that you have spoken to officer ???? from the police department that their shop is in possession of your stolen property. Could you please remove this item from your "for sale" area until the police department can recover it for me?
Be prepared to make a big scene if the pawn shop acts like they are going to deny the problem and fail to cooperate. The pawn shops hate to get caught with stolen property, but they reluctantly cooperated with me both times I found my stuff. Usually, the cops keep it as evidence until the case goes to prosecution or is dropped. Once, I never got my saw back, but the thief was forced to make restitution.