Red, I had to buy one of those goofy forked plugs (for the life of me I can't remember what the name is) I was working on a Red Maple at a friends house after a storm, didn't have time to go over my saws and check all the usual things, and my XL12 stated to start hard, thought I'd better replace the plug, give it a quick tune and get back to working. Home Depot was the closest, knowing all I'd be able to get their was most likely a champion plug...I thought its better than the almost 4 year old plug in the saw, and I'd replace it when I got a better one, until I got their and they didn't have the right plug. They did however have one of those forked plugs that crossed to the correct plug number.
What a WASTE of $7.50! It ran no better that if I'd have bought the Champion I thought I was going to have to buy. Even though it's forked , it still can only make 1 spark, and if the plug fouls, its not going to foul only 1 half of the plug, its just a sales gimmick. Give me a plain old Autolite any day.