Poll : Do you like to know?

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Do you appreciate it when a deal found on ebay or elswhere are posted on this forum?

  • Post away I appreciate reading the deals

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • Don't Post I don't need to know

    Votes: 22 57.9%

  • Total voters


ArboristSite Guru
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
los angeles
Do you appreciate it when some one posts a deal they found or know about on ebay or anywhere else?
Don't care to know what is out there.

To the freedom to or not to express your opinion.

To show fellow loggers how, cheap, expensive, crazy, weird or obnoxious a seller is on an item.

A forum flexible enough to let people tell what the story is.

There is a downside to this. Competition, inflated prices from ignorant bidders, missing out on an item cause some one on this forum bought it before you did.

I generated this poll to find out if my contribution was indead a contribution to this forum by posting items seen on eBay as a deal. (So as not to create a new post everytime I put them in one forum)

I figuire after I search around various places and find a deal I could share the information to the group that assists me when I want to know something about chainsaws and such.

You don't have to buy, heck you don't even have to read the post.

What is your opinion?

Used equipment fourm is a better location for this. You did not suggest the ignore button be used on yourself, why not just suggest if everyone is growing tired of this arguement to place you on their ignore list since you didn't get the used equipment fourm HINT. You could do EBAAAAY Alerts over there. Gump got lots of looks when he went on a rampage but provided little info on trees and tree work. Then there is off topic if you want to go there. You want to write diatribes about ignorant bidders, inflated prices and the like head for the Gump Dump and don't stop till you hit Disneyland.
Don, I would love to hear about the great deals you got on the stuff you bought off e-bay. But to post the auctions here before they've ended is annoying. I once found a good looking 064 Stihl listed only as a "chainsaw" many people overlooked it ant the buyer (not me I bought one locally instead) got a great deal because the whole world didn't know about it. This is the sellers fault for not properly listing the item, who are we to help him correct the problem? And for what reward?
i would agree . i like to hear of good deals,as this is a hobby type thing to some of us.but dont post deals u found on ebay until the sale is over . if i was bidding and someone plastered it on here ,then we got a bunch of new bidders . i probably wouldnt appreciate the poster.after its over ,im always
interested in hearing about deals folk get,ebay or otherwise.
I have posted other people's auctions here occasionally, but only when there was some real humor value. (Anyone want a $500 pro Poulan Wild Thing?)

I really don't see the point to posting everything that one thinks is a good deal. Anyone who searches eBay for saws regularly will see the same stuff, and those who don't are likely unaware of the eBay market value and could artificially drive prices up. Oakman's $84 Mac SP125 is an example of what happens when there's a sharp bidder but a saw goes largely unnoticed.
So a good analogy Tony would be

Like when you are one of the few hotsaw competitors in your class who know about a saw competition with great money or accessories prizes and then you neighbor goes ahead and posts it on a site like this. Then all your competitors come in and instead of first some guy on the other side of the world comes in and out does you and your saw.

I know know exactly what you mean.
Thank-you all for your replies to this post. I'm not looking for chainsaws on the auction (just picked up a Stihl 031AV for $15 at a moving sale though, needs a new chain, but otherwise runs well) I have wanted to 'announce' good deals that were being missed on a different auction for daylilies. I don't remember actually doing it, but I do know that I *NEVER* considered how, in effect, I would be screwing the people who had already bid or were in the process of.

Don, I don't think your last analogy fits because it's concerning skill. The only 'skill' involved in an auction is the research ahead of time, knowing when to fold, and maybe a few bidding tricks....alot of time, I think it's luck. While it's nice to let your friends know about the deal......it's NOT nice to those, who are possibly on this forum also who've been watching it for a week and up to that point had a chance at a real good deal. Again, I never saw that side of it either.

I guess I would vote to leave it alone and let those who take the initiative find them themselves and possibly use the knowledgable folks here (via direct post or just searching the threads for a particular saw) to help them figure out if it's a good deal or not. JMHO Che
i vote to stop posting ebay saws. if you wanna get a good deal on an auction saw, do like i do and put some time and effort into it. a good deal won't be if there are more bidders than would normally be had there not been someone advertising them all over the web. that takes all the fun out of it for me. i'm surprised the administrator hasn't said anything about this. is this EBay II?
Darin has been busy with his new baby boy for the last 3-4 weeks, and has only checked in a couple times. I'd imagine the 2AM feedings take presidence over the chainsaw forum at AS. I guess we are somewhat self-supervised for a little while.

Since I didn't want E-Bay adding my email address to every spam list in the country, I have never signed up. I started to once, but got 4 spams from various companies before finalizing the sign-up process and cancelled (I always use a fake middle initial so I know who is giving out my address). I like hearing about the unusual auctions, but am not interested in daily updates on the 'deals'. I'd be pissed if I were actually bidding on an item and someone went around trying to get others to raise on my bid.
The skills of Ebay and what to post

I fully understand the point of view that posting a saw for sell from ebay may cause other people to bid against you.

Welcome to free enterprise and an open forum.

People outbid me on jobs all the time. Should I call up the phone company and newspapers and tell them to stop publishing their advertising? Afterall I am a paying customer?

That means (to me) you can tell someone here to shutup and stop it but when it really boils down to its essence only the site administrators can enforce the rules here.

I acknowledge a common courtesy to a fellow arborist. That is why I'm respecting sedanman's request.

But as the population gets more savvy with the internet, competition will increase.

Do you think this should have an administrator who redirects any auction hyperlinks to Disney land if they don't like it? Allot of people here would leave.

There are many other violations that go on here beside posting of auctions.

Like profanity in the form of icons and winbots, (which could cause this site to get shutdown). Why because a teeenager's parents can see it and report us to the FCC for non disclosure.

Exploits of people in bars, and non related saw stuff, which should technically be on the personal form.

It can be frustrating searching a posting about a product and get 20 strings talking about who is going to get the girl after the competition. Do I think they have the right? Sure and for a FREE forum I must tolerate this behavior or leave.

As far as skills on eBay, there are some guys who are very competitive to win the bid on an auction. I have seen two people get in a pissing contest for a $2.00 item and bid it to $20, even though there are 10 other available at half the price!

You can buy software programs that scans dozens of forums, auctions, whatever and tag your "found items". It frustrates me to no end when a ebayer uses a bidding software that saturates the auction with bids in the last minute or so to block out competitive bids.

It is more important for me to have you all give advice when the people I usually rely on don't know. This by a great margin outweighs my desire to show everyone here any deals discovered elsewhere

Eventually this hobby site may go commercial and we are all in for a suprise.
No one here is forcing you to stop posting the ebay links. No one here is saying that you cannot post them. Myself, I just skip over the thread because I don't care to read a 'classified ad' type listing.

You are the one that asked the question, then when you got your answer, you go off on 'rules' and some sort of tirade about what is going to happen to the internet and 'free enterprise'. No one is persecuting you here. No one has voiced a single complaint in the last 3-4 weeks that your 'classifieds' thread has been running. The ONLY reason anyone said anything is because YOU ASKED!

Don't ask the question if you cannot handle the answer.
oh quit crying already - you've got your answer.:angry: just because its not what you wanted does not change what it is.

"Like profanity in the form of icons and winbots, (which could cause this site to get shutdown). Why because a teeenager's parents can see it and report us to the FCC for non disclosure."

yeah - just like **** sites right? You subscribed to this forum - internet is free, and this site is moderated by moderators - thank goodness its not moderated by people who whine. What are you going to do when I curse on my FM walkabout? Report me to the FCC?? Good grief!!

I'm done, hopefully you are too.
Don if you woulda got the idea when I posted this before on your fair deal thread you'd know what I mean. It would be highly advantageous of you to do YOURSELF a favor and not post these auctions. If you want to bid on them I wouldnt give the guys on here anymore help in finding them.

Research the item as best you can before you ask about an auction here. Sure you can say what do you think of this saw I found. But ask the seller they SHOULD know what the saw is like. We sure cant tell you by looking at it what internal condition it is in. If the seller cant tell you pass it.

I wouldnt even bother buying any recent model of Husky, Stihl etc off ebay. Why?? sure they might be deals but most of the time the prices are almost up to a new one. I'll buy mine new and know what shapes its really in.

I voted no also not that I care though as none of the auctions apply to me all I buy is cheap junk:D But It clutters up the board. Hope you get what I mean.. oh well...
Yes I agree, No I don't

Your interpretation to my last post is correct WRW. If people were as observant as you they would realise the same thing.

People have complained prior to putting up this poll treeclimber 165. They have the right to complain as much as we all have this right.

I just don't get it when people talk about stuff that has nothing to do with saws it is okay. I guess it is allot less than the constant barrage of the deal posting I posted.

Take tundraotto for instance. Whining about my whining. Very cute. I get to get one of those for a house pet some day.

**** sites make you click at least once acknowledging the viewer is of legal capacity. I don't think the age of 18 is mandatory for the viewer of this site.

I think it is important to let the other guy get in a word or two so this site can grow in viewership.
Re: Yes I agree, No I don't

Originally posted by don

**** sites make you click at least once acknowledging the viewer is of legal capacity.

You signed up for this forum and youre signed in via a cookie on your computer everytime you visit this site. You agree to the terms of this site EVERY TIME YOU LOG IN!! quit rambling already!! Have you ever seen a PG rated movie?? Obviously not, since they have stronger content than this site. Oh wait - I have an idea why dont you put everyone who voted against you on your ignore list so you can keep posting 50posts per day right off ebay!!! Oh, you wont do that because the whining gets attention for you.

How many of your hundreds of posts have had anything to do with saws?? 5?10? we can all search ebay and if you have a problem with the way this site is maintained talk to the moderators or dont visit.
I spend way too much time looking for deals online and have usually seen the auctions you post, so it seems like old hat to me...I'm assuming to many others too. I tend to agree with JohninMa, soemtimes its a hoot to laugh at silly or outrageous things, though. I think there was a thread recently about a soemwhat shady seller, too.

If I was a seller, I would probably look for forums dealing with the type of item I was selling, and see if I could whip up some extra interest, hopefully without getting busted for it.

If I was buyin' I'd like it that I was the only one in the world that knew about it.

If I was only a bystander, I'd either do my own looking, or I'd probably ignore the thread.

I responded a few times to your other thread, with opinions about the sale, but quit after a while, so as not to encourage you, believing it would eventually come to a pi$$ing match annyway.

Don't go away mad; Your opinions on any number of things are welcome. Let's let the rabid E-Pay'ers alone.
I understand Tony Marks

You make sense and your last comment is not accurate.
I want to promote this site and I thought the deal post would help. Did get over 2000 views and averaged over 20 per post.

Unknown to me the consequences of some people who think they are the only one of the 15 million searches a day on average are the only one who sees an item for sale on ebay.

As far as other people the antagonizing and criticisms. Who cares, allot gets lost in the translation. When humans communicate the most important aspect of it is the tone of ones voice and this is certainly absent in this forum.

One guy on this site makes me smile, and makes me think of the government survey naming Arkansas the most illiterate state in the union.


What are winbots? This is what I've read, but I have no idea how it would relate to ArboristSite.

"What is a WinBot ? - Part 1
WinBot is an IRC Bot for Windows. It allows you to administrate your favourite IRC channels, and maintain auto-op lists, party lines, and other features, and also comes with a plugin providing Perl support, which can be used to add any new features you require."
