I've been very hesitant to speak up in this thread.....but I'm just gonna do it.
From what I've seen, 90% of the trouble here is that when someone has a problem, they rarely go straight to the builder. On the other site I've posted several threads about this.
It's as though they are comfortable enough with a guy to send out a saw and money, but not comfortable enough to speak candidly with that same person.
Brad and I have both been dragged into disagreements over the years by people talking behind our backs.
That doesn't mean neither of us made mistakes, or built poor running saws. I'm 110% sure that we both have made mistakes. I'm also sure that we can both say we've made mistakes in how we dealt with each other. Today Brad and I get along very well.....we communicate with each other.
We are human.....and humans are prone to make mistakes. What we don't need are people running around behind our backs adding to our already flawed lives.
If you are reading this and have never made a mistake then I wanna here from you. I bet my farm that I won't hear from a perfect human today.
But dealing with Jason is a little bit different.
In the case of this 661 that is the subject of this thread. I've seen detailed pictures of the inside. The exhaust port is overly wide, and it's freeporting on one side pretty bad.
The owner of this saw does not want to talk with Jason about it, nor did that person send me the pictures. He did send me another saw that Jason built to do some repair work on. He has no complaints about how the saw runs. I'm just replacing some damaged parts that have nothing to do with the modifications. I've never started the saw, or even taken a look at the port work. I don't care how the port work was done.....that's not why I have this saw.
Now. That brings us to a question that everyone reading is wondering about. Why didn't the owner of these saws just send them back to Jason? He would have to answer that question to add details that I've likely forgotten.....but it has more to do with how he has seen Jason react to criticism on the forums than anything else.
Now. To answer another lingering question. We removed Jason from the forum that I moderate. That did not happen because of his work. I've seen only a few people that had a real issue with his saws.
We removed Jason because he was impossible to talk to about issues that were brought to our attention. He became defensive and threatening. He dodged direct questions, and became insulting.
I'm speaking from first-hand experience of dealing with him about things that are simple, everyday parts of dealing with customers.
I was even threatened with a lawsuit. For asking about a tracking number.
So....in dealing with Jason, I understand why his customers don't return to him when there is an issue.
Now, because of this thread, he is threatening people with bodily injury.
So.....as anyone can see, this whole thing has very little to do with chainsaws.