Nope I'm not a yankee so I guess I'm banned from the sight. I'm just a grumpy old southern redneck, born and raised in GA. Other than the near 23 years playing GI Joe for Uncle Sam and living all over the place, I've lived in GA my whole life.
Why a chainsaw, I found it laying in the woods and appeared to have been there at least a year. It was frozen up so it had to be torn down and new crank and bearings installed. Going back together, I'm like Tim Allen in Tool Man, it's gotta have more power. I don't thing I've ever built a stock anything in my life, so why start now. I've owned chainsaws since the mid 60's but this is the first one I've had to tear down. I started off with twin Mac-10's on my go cart in the early 60's. Then got into racing outboards in the late 60's and have owned high performance cars and raced cars most of my life so I got into cylinder heads at an early age also. Needless to say, I've spent a few hours with a die grinder. Too many actually, the doctors claim the vibration from them is what caused all the problems I'm having with my hands now and not even supposed to be using one.