More porting
Well Mange,you have to look on the ports of a 2 cycle engine,in the same way you would the valves in a 4 cycle.In a 4 cycle,you change the valve timing,by altering the cam shaft.In a 2 cycle,you change the "valve timing" [for want of a better word] ,by altering the opening and closing time of the ports,in relationship to the piston .The proceedure,falls under a broad catagory of loop scavanging.I might add,at this point,that I personally know very little about the complexities of this proceedure.The type porting I do,is simpley to increase,or improve flow movement of the fuel mixture and resultant exhaust gasses.It would,most likely,be more properly term,polishing .The last one I did,was on one of my Mac 125s,and I doubt if I increased the actual horse power any more than 1/2 HP,but it does run very well .If you do a search of this site,there are other,older threads,covering this subject ,also,a good web site,is "Macdizzys" [I hope i spelled it right]