Sorry for not answering sooner I hadn't viewed this thread in a couple weeks.SVK
Info please.... What kind of indoor boiler do you have. Size ,make, btu output. I would love to to hear, not to many indoor boilers on this site. Mine is a ds machine aqua gem 3200. i burn half anthracite and half wood.Im addicited to peekin in the door!!!!
I don't know what brand it is. My dad built the place in 82' and this was set on the foundation first and the house was built around it. I can try and find out. It basically looks like a 3' long chunk of 3' diameter pipe that's about 3/8" thick metal. Obviously the inside diameter of the actual firebox is a little smaller. Immediately next to the door of the stove I've got a hatch through the house wall to my deck and can roll a wheelbarrow right up to it for easy filling. (See photo, hatch is above garbage can.)
I've got an overabundance of softwood around here and it's got a very healthy appetite for that stuff which is fine as long as I'm home. Moving into mid grade hardwood you can get decent burn times unless it's really cold out. Upside: you can load the stove in your underwear. Downside: A little smoke in the house upon startup and the ever present risk of chimney fire.