post a pic of your wood burner in use...

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Info please.... What kind of indoor boiler do you have. Size ,make, btu output. I would love to to hear, not to many indoor boilers on this site. Mine is a ds machine aqua gem 3200. i burn half anthracite and half wood.Im addicited to peekin in the door!!!!
Sorry for not answering sooner I hadn't viewed this thread in a couple weeks.

I don't know what brand it is. My dad built the place in 82' and this was set on the foundation first and the house was built around it. I can try and find out. It basically looks like a 3' long chunk of 3' diameter pipe that's about 3/8" thick metal. Obviously the inside diameter of the actual firebox is a little smaller. Immediately next to the door of the stove I've got a hatch through the house wall to my deck and can roll a wheelbarrow right up to it for easy filling. (See photo, hatch is above garbage can.)

I've got an overabundance of softwood around here and it's got a very healthy appetite for that stuff which is fine as long as I'm home. Moving into mid grade hardwood you can get decent burn times unless it's really cold out. Upside: you can load the stove in your underwear. Downside: A little smoke in the house upon startup and the ever present risk of chimney fire.

Sorry for not answering sooner I hadn't viewed this thread in a couple weeks.

I don't know what brand it is. My dad built the place in 82' and this was set on the foundation first and the house was built around it. I can try and find out. It basically looks like a 3' long chunk of 3' diameter pipe that's about 3/8" thick metal. Obviously the inside diameter of the actual firebox is a little smaller. Immediately next to the door of the stove I've got a hatch through the house wall to my deck and can roll a wheelbarrow right up to it for easy filling. (See photo, hatch is above garbage can.)

I've got an overabundance of softwood around here and it's got a very healthy appetite for that stuff which is fine as long as I'm home. Moving into mid grade hardwood you can get decent burn times unless it's really cold out. Upside: you can load the stove in your underwear. Downside: A little smoke in the house upon startup and the ever present risk of chimney fire.

View attachment 377476
I bet you are running quite a bit of soft wood right now! Lots of snow in the forecast and temps dipping to zero this week!
First winter with new rig
Nice setup you have. If my basement had more headroom, I'd look into a wood furnace. Just too cramped down there as it is. Someday I might put a wood fired boiler in the detached shop/barn and pipe it into the house. I have more know how and tools than time and money right now.
Yea I think the wood furnace is going to be the ticket I heated with a very large stove for 4 years and last winter was to much house is 72 feet long so this should distrubute better
Sorry for not answering sooner I hadn't viewed this thread in a couple weeks.

I don't know what brand it is. My dad built the place in 82' and this was set on the foundation first and the house was built around it. I can try and find out. It basically looks like a 3' long chunk of 3' diameter pipe that's about 3/8" thick metal. Obviously the inside diameter of the actual firebox is a little smaller. Immediately next to the door of the stove I've got a hatch through the house wall to my deck and can roll a wheelbarrow right up to it for easy filling. (See photo, hatch is above garbage can.)

I've got an overabundance of softwood around here and it's got a very healthy appetite for that stuff which is fine as long as I'm home. Moving into mid grade hardwood you can get decent burn times unless it's really cold out. Upside: you can load the stove in your underwear. Downside: A little smoke in the house upon startup and the ever present risk of chimney fire.

View attachment 377476
SVK, Thanks for response...
Art, how much coal do you have burning in your boiler pic.... 50-75?? 75_100?? What do you think.

I would say no more than 50#. Now that I have things figured out I am using about 2-3 coal shovelfuls of stove and nut sized anthracite mixed and 2 pieces of wood every 12-14 hours. Just ran 24 hours with 3 shovels and 3 pieces of wood. Went out this morning and did a shake down. Wood was gone but still had plenty of coal. I'm off work today so I'm going to see how long it will last. I expect at least another 12 hours at these mild temps.