This is at 0800 this morning after an up and at em load of some pine, tamarack, and some red maple at 0600.
This was the temp right before I went out. The clock is an hour behind.
After the new smoke baffle/water jacket add on I have been knocking down 8 hour burn times at night at sub zero temps. It's better at above zero.
When I come out in the morning the stove is either off or right at the beginning of the downhill slide. One or two partial pieces left and some coals. I'll throw in a partial load of tamarack/pine, red maple, paper birch, and ash at 0400 to get things going good then pack it full at 0500 before I go to work.
Night load consists of sugar/red maple, red/white oak, and black ash with a dash of tamarack.
Mmmmmm....pitchy tamarack.

This is a piece that I cut/split New years day and went to the stash in the stove house.