Post TCIA 04

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So now that we've heard about gear and girls, did anyone hear anything new at the seminars?

Oh yeah, those. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
did anyone hear anything new at the seminars?
I spent most of my time watching the demonstrations. I did however sit in on an injury and fatalities seminar. The only thing I can tell you is after age 43 your chances of dying dramatically increase.:eek:
any explanations as to why I sure hope I am not climbing at age 43
Originally posted by wct4life
I spent most of my time watching the demonstrations. I did however sit in on an injury and fatalities seminar. The only thing I can tell you is after age 43 your chances of dying dramatically increase.:eek:

You got my attention with the 43 comment, does that mean I have one foot in the grave already or what????

Every year that you are in this business your risk goes up for injury. There are only so many near misses statistically.

Sorry, it's actually 45. So, some of you can quit worrying for now.
Reasons for this include complacentcy(sp) and age itself. Alot of people think that things will never happen to them. The "I've done it like this a thousand times...." syndrome. And then one of those times catches up.

As for the age thing, as you get older your body cannot handle Injurys as well.

Also, there are us young folks to blame. With are inexperience we can create problems.

Something that you need to remember though. There are alot of hacks out there. I got to hear some interesting storys from the Mat-3 guys. Some one took there bucket to them to get fixed. They had somehow broke the original bucket part of the vehicle and have been using a 55 gallon drum in its place.:eek: Another one was a boom broke and dthe owners used 4 pieces of angle iron and hose clamps to keep it together.:confused: It's these people that really make the number go up.
Great pictures of the show, I did not attend but I have been to a few and know you can drop some serious $$$ with all those toys on display. Really amazing the amout of wax and polish the salesman put on that equipment to show it off.
Re: On a different note...

Originally posted by wct4life
As for the tree industry females? Out of all the displays, I think that arborwear had the best looking saleswomen.:D Even though I was fond of the ISA booths curly blond w/ glasses.:cool:
Tracy. She's married with a kid. :D
I had a great time, and it was fun meeting up with everyone. I missed Frans, though.... :( Next year, right? :D
I was there Thursday night at the evening banquet, and following two days until they kicked me out Saturday afternoon.

I didn't get to meet up with any of the AS guys. I managed to rap with all the major manufacturers and distributors, with the exception of Eugene at The Silky Store. He was buried in people every time I went over there.

I kept my eyes open knowing that sooner or later I would run into one of you guys, but never saw ya's.

Mebbe next year we set up a poster board at Sherrill, where AS guys could sign in and listcell phone #'s and have a planned meeting place at a determined time, giving us a more focussed chance to hook up. I've really enjoyed meeting you guys in past years. It's a very positive part of the Expo experience.
OH, a few days earlier I was up in Northern Michigan at Dave Neiger's Saw Shop. I got up there Sunday afternoon, walked in, and to my surprise there's GlenS, from Indiana. Good seein you, Dawg!

I had Dave power port a 346XP for me and revamp a 394 back to life. Got to spend a couple hours with him Wednesday, just before going down to Detroit. Dave's a helluva guy with 30 years of wisdom and knowledge in the chainsaw arena and it was a pleasure being able to spend some time with him.
Yeah, Jim, I haven't seen you since the TCI Expo in Milwaukee. I still have those screwlinks you gave me.....

wct4life came up to me and asked if I was Nickrosis. I called xander to find him (he was at the Sherrill booth, of course). Tom Dunlap is unmistakable. :D And Tom and Robert Phillips tried to point out Frans to me at the Day of Service, but we were never in the same place. :confused:

Bumped in Sean at the Sherrill booth several times, of course. He was bummed that he didn't bring his hockey gear for a chance to play in Ontario (just a hop, skip, and a jump away). And Tom Prosser of Rainbow discovered that I am, in fact, a male. :)

Sachin of TCIA said he likes what I write on AS and gave me a free ArborWear shirt. That was pretty cool.... thanks for the shirt! Who am I missing? I ran into a couple of other lurkers on AS, too. Didn't meet you, Menchofer! Next time, right?

This was the first year in a while that a UW-Stevens Point student didn't win the Student Career Days competition, but it was still a good time anyways. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperative. But the weather was great for the Day of Service! Wow did we get a lot done that day for Belle Isle. I'm always going to remember that.

Comments, criticisms.... I wish more detail was given in the program about speakers and seminars. A couple of times, I went to something that did not match what I was expecting. It seemed like a much smaller show than in the past for whatever reason. Perhaps it was because of the ISA Conference being in the same area just a couple months ago and because it was earlier (Oct) in the year than in the past.

At any rate, TCIA is alive and well with many new members from the conference. I think it's a testimony to what the organization is doing and where it is going. We're officially embarking on the accreditation ship. Part of the reason is to keep up with area tree companies since one is already accredited. Part is to get 10% off our insurance (and buy another new truck each year with the money we'd save). And finally, the most important reason, we want to bring the company to a new level, particularly in organization, to better serve our customers and coworkers.
Originally posted by Nickrosis
It seemed like a much smaller show than in the past for whatever reason.
You'll discover that about a lot of the places/things from your youth when you revisit them as you age.

This is pre-TCIA related, but I'd spent the night at my sister's place near Sussex the previous Friday and had seriously considered getting a hold of you for coffee the next morning before I left for MI.  It was too rushed; next time I plan to be up that way I'll contact you.

Originally posted by glens
You'll discover that about a lot of the places/things from your youth when you revisit them as you age.

This is pre-TCIA related, but I'd spent the night at my sister's place near Sussex the previous Friday and had seriously considered getting a hold of you for coffee the next morning before I left for MI.  It was too rushed; next time I plan to be up that way I'll contact you.

Naw, I mean it was actually small in floor space and everything versus last year. Turnout-wise, I don't know.... But I didn't hear anything to the contrary.

You were in Sussex? What? :p Let me know next time...I used the time to post on AS, I'm sure. Just ask netree, we became best buddies. Next time, though.... I'll be in Champaign-Urbana IL within the next 6 weeks, so maybe that would be a possibility.
I was being clever with the size/age bit (but it's mostly true as you'll see).

Could maybe use a bigshot to the corner of Q and 164 from sis' house; can see it with unobstructed view.

I can do Champaign in about 1½ hours, so consider that a winning possibility.


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