I am a homeowner with 5 acres. I keep the property up, and cut for firewood. I have been cutting firewood since I was a teenager in the late '70's.
- Always make sure the saw works before an outing, whether at home or in field. Even if I ran it two days ago. Kind relates to firefighting; always test fire the saw on the ground before taking it on the roof ect. The saws on the engines get started, checked, adjusted ect once a week during the weekly inspections of the fire engine.
- Take all the saws. I only have three saws, of three different size. My 024 is in process of rebuild, but I borrow my Dad's. If something happens to one saw, it does not ruin the whole day, two hour ride to wood cutting site ect.
- I have fuel cans specific to the tool. Diesel for the tractor is in the yellow diesel can. Regular gas is in a marked can. 2-stroke mix gas is in it's own marked can. My wife, dad, and neighbor use the tractor. My wife uses the various 2-stroke tools we have too. No way I want to gas the diesel engine in the tractor, or straight gas the chainsaws or weedeaters.
- I use dish soap bottles for bar oil. I have two that I fill from 1 gallon jugs. The 1100CD and 024 are easy to fill, but my 335xpt is harder to get oil in to. It makes it east to add a little oil on the bar/chain if needed too.
- My ammo can has screnches for the Stihl and Husky, tiny screw driver for carb adjustment, a rag for wiping "stuff", a soft bristle paintbrush for dusting the air filter off, two sharp spare chains for each saw, and a new in box spark plug for each saw. There is also a file/guide for each type of chain in the box.
- Have a separate box with my collection of gloves, and Husky helmet/muff/shield combo. Box also has my weedeadter/brusher shoulder harness, and an old wildland fire outer shirt/ppe. Very visible if I weedeat or are cutting near the road. And buttons up nicely, velcro wrist adjustment.
- If going away to cut wood, always carry my portable toolbox. Wrenches, sockets, ratchets, zip ties, duct tape, electrical tape, couple gauges of insulated wire, pliers, wire cutter/stripper, small putty knives, and some other odds and ends.
- At home usually refuel in the garage. Always blow the saw off, check chain, filter ect as long as I have the 60 gallon compressor right there.
- I always have my sledge and wedge at home, sometimes carry when cutting in the woods.
-- What I do not have, that I want to get, is chaps, and wedges. Couple days ago, the neighbor nicked his jeans with a saw... Based on this thread, would also like to start carrying a hatchet.
--I do not have a decent first aid kit for out in the field. Worse, I am and EMT, so I KNOW I should have one... Even worser, I am first aid merit badge counselor, and one of the requirements is for the boys to make one. I do have one, but it is pretty simple and usually in my Scout pack. Will put that on this weeks todo list.