All kidding, sniping, and BSing aside, Dan has produced many happy customers and I think that has been grossly overlooked lately.
Who makes the fastest woodsaw is almost a moot point. It seems that too many guys are buying woods modded saws and trying to become weekend racers with them. Longevity and the whole experience of buying and using the saws are as important as the smallest detail of who`s saw cut quickest or pulls the biggest bar if we are truly talking about saws to be used on a daily basis.
I also sense that it`s fashionable to have saws built by certain guys. More power to those who feel that way and have those saws, but I suggest that we try to remember that much of the strife as well as pride felt around here on a daily basis is a matter of perception.
It`s too easy to judge others by a higher standard than we would like to be judged by, ourselves. Very few of us would fare well if people were to collectively judge everything known about us, that`s just reality in my opinion. I don`t condone a few things that I`ve heard about Dan`s business practices but I also note the lack of credible threads relating that people did not get their saws or that they were poorly re-assembled or apparently not even worked on, etc..... I also know that Dan has helped more than one AS member in a clutch.
Craftsmen, or tradespeople if that`s your view, are rarely consummate business people, and conversely, how many consummate business people can anyone think of who is also a craftsman?
Bullsh!tting, bravado, and sporting trash talk can normally be enjoyed by most men, but posts and threads that attempt to draw blood or hurt anyone only hurt the forum and it`s members. I think that it`s time we cleaned things up a bit and stopped acting as if any of this stuff is life or death. I also admit that I`ve been as guilty as anyone of this behavior at times, but it`s time to make myself better and I hope that you guys will join me.