Mikey, It was dagger that made the comments about oil burning hotter. While I respect dagger( hes a industry insider and engineer) I also respectfuly disagree with him on this issue. If the extra oil did indeed burn hotter I find it hard to believe that a extra 1.5 ounces per gallon would make a measuarable differance. Also it seems to me that if oil evaporates at a higher temp than gasoline it would in fact leach heat out of the combusation chamber by sucking up heat to vaporise it proir to combustion. With more oil you have better ring seal, more comp, and less wear. Notice that no oem reccomended 50:1 before the epa started becoming a problem. I know some people will say "well oil tech has improved since then". I would reply to that by saying that the mineral based mixes from sthil and husky are not high tech. By looking at the msds files for both it appears that both still use petrol bright stock bases with very little additization(essentialy 70's tech). If they where to have some sort of high CST ester base I could see a 50:1 ratio, but 50:1 on low cost/performance oil it seems a bit odd to me. Stihl Tech mentioned that saws lkast longer now than they did in the 32:1 days. This may be true, but I would bet it is not because of lubrication. Cylinder coating, bearing, piston/ ring tech, and QC/tolerances advances every year. In all probability this is what is responsible for Stihltechs observations. Fire away.LOL