Here in NC, I can get a full size truck load stacked just about the rails for $60. This is usually red oak, sometimes hickory or maple. There are times when it's really green (just cut) and other times it's just green (about 1 -3 weeks cut and just busted up before delivery).
It's an okay deal around here and I'm helping out someone who needs the work and money as he's been retired for a while.
I can get a full size truck load of actual seasoned (mostly red oak) wood in nice large pieces (as opposed to what most folks sell for "firewood") for $80. I like the larger pieces the as OWB can be a monster when it's "hungry".
I've also got a line with this same fella for a large dump truck (he says 5 cords worth) for $250 of large, nasty pieces. Which is p-e-r-f-e-c-t for me. He says he has a few customers with OWB he does this for with stuff he doesn't want to split or is too knotty and gnarly. I hope this comes through in the spring.