Price Check over here........................

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Here in NC, I can get a full size truck load stacked just about the rails for $60. This is usually red oak, sometimes hickory or maple. There are times when it's really green (just cut) and other times it's just green (about 1 -3 weeks cut and just busted up before delivery).

It's an okay deal around here and I'm helping out someone who needs the work and money as he's been retired for a while.

I can get a full size truck load of actual seasoned (mostly red oak) wood in nice large pieces (as opposed to what most folks sell for "firewood") for $80. I like the larger pieces the as OWB can be a monster when it's "hungry".

I've also got a line with this same fella for a large dump truck (he says 5 cords worth) for $250 of large, nasty pieces. Which is p-e-r-f-e-c-t for me. He says he has a few customers with OWB he does this for with stuff he doesn't want to split or is too knotty and gnarly. I hope this comes through in the spring.
Couple friends I know paid about $850. A guy I work with pays between $550 and $750 depending on what fuel prices were gonna be.
Log Truck Price

Same in Western PA. Friends up the road get a load each year. Cost $600 in September. They estimate it to be about 6 cords. They cut it as they need it. Would not consider it to be seasoned at time of arrival.
All depends on the wood. In my neck of the woods, a cord of "processable" for wood is about $125 a cord. Processable is somthing that can go through a processor without making mulch. Anything else is down from that figure, assuming you can find it.
yep that seems to be the deal... Can you find it. I would pay for a truck load of pine. I see guys chipping wood and hauling it to the dump. very frustrating. I've got a line on some hardwood slabs we'll see. Do any of you guys buy wood this way? By the log truck load.
here in ohio:
South of state route 70 it seems you can get 60 to 70 bucks a cord.
North of state route 70 it's looking more like 100 to 125 a cord.

As for the "grapple load" I wouldn't know.

Sorry about that.. you did say log truck not pickup truck.

I would consider buying it way if the price was good and it was hardwood.
I hate to admit it

I had to buy wood 2 years ago. Fortunately I work for the phone company and have helped out the local high dollar tree company with raising or temporarily disconnecting lines to make their job easier. I don't know how much a grapple load is but they have a crane truck and I had them deliver 2 loads off that for $100 each. I took a swag (scientific wild ass guess) at it and figured between 2 1/2 and 3 cords per load. I think that is one helluva deal. Although free is better..I am sitting on approx. 25-30 cords split..maybe half is seasoned..this is all hardwood. mostly maple and ash and this year I have about 6 cords of oak.
I can get a load right now for $700 from not far away (2 miles). All hard, mostly ash, supposedly @ 8 cord.
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wow 700, I think I'll keep cutting my own. Down the road from me there are 8 sections at 2-3 foot diameter and 8 to 10 feet long. They have been sitting there for 2 years. I need to go poking around and see who owns the land.
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I'm in southwestern Maine and I have a load coming in the next week for $875. The loads average 8-9 cords (they load by weight). Based on some other posts, some areas of the country are cheaper but that is the best price I could find for my area from a reputable supplier.
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