Gypo Logger
Timber Baron
Hi Tommy, glad you like my filing, anyway, I just got off the phone with my ole buddy Art and he said all you guys can't file, so he gave me some pointers and here is what I came up with.
ehp said:there are more and more shows that will not let you touch your tie straps or thin your chain out now , in the state of west virgina
they will not let you run a saw at there shows with any work on the chassis period so any of you guys going to Webster beware
unless you are Melvin i seen him get away with it
Another one ofHELSEL said:Read this one!!More Bu!! Sh!t.But he will deny it.
Mike Maas said:I don't think there is much racing chain sold outright. My guess is the chain is lent to the racer, who then shares the purse at a predetermined percentage or amount.
My point exactly!Dennis Cahoon said:Hey Mike....I'll sell you a race chain! How much you pay depends on how fast you want it....No lending!.......Hahahahahahahahahahahahha!