anthony h.
ArboristSite Lurker
Hello everybody, I am new to doing work on my own. I was wodering if anyone can give my any ideas of how you price the jobs. What factors are involved in pricing tree jobs. I know that every job is different depending on what your doing, trimming or removing. What kind of obstacles your working around plays a major part in it. I've been getting asked to do alot of work lately. I am not sure how to price them. I want to be fair with my costumers along as being fair to myself. I am just looking for someone to steer me in the right direction. Maybe a basic scale of some kind (rigging involved and rigging not involved). If you guys prefere to go buy the hour or by the job. If you wouldn't mind helping any guidance would be appreciated. In your area it might be different than mine, but i'm just looking for a rough idea. Thank you!