There are people that really shouldn’t run with scissors. Usually, they only have access to plastic scissors so their injuries are only minor.If there's something to be cut down, there's always at least two of us. If there's something to be cut up, it's often done alone. It's all about the direction I guess.
Blanket statements about ladders and saws is as foolish as saying never run with scissors. Think it's wrong, don't do it. Think it can't be done safely, then you're incapable of differentiating between what is and isn't a real hazard. OSHA rules are written for those people and they will always show as proof guys 30' up in a tree being knocked on the ground when it barber chairs or the ladder falls off the tree. That isn't every ladder, every tree, and every cutting situation. Stay close to the ground on your ladder with your theater of operation limited to limbs as was contemplated in my original suggestion.