not being able to see the roof or the branch i couldn't recommend lowering onto the roof. any of the options of raising swinging away or taking apart could be feasible. here is a suggestion though, whether or not the roof can take it, why not use this as a training opportunity, present yourself with a challenge, don't touch the roof. maybe the roof doesn't crack maybe it snags on the gutter on the way down and you have to pay for some historical gutter replacement, why take the chance? the roof might be a P.O.C. with some pre existing flaw just waiting to present itself, without seeing the branch i'd go out on a limb to say there is almost always an easy way to deal with it without touching the roof. And if the roof is perfectly sound and you gently lower it as has been suggested, fine , you got the job done, but did you really learn anything? try not to touch the roof and if you fail and no damage was done, good for you, you tried and failed once so you have the experience to fall back on not to make the same mistake twice, if you succeed great, same story. If you don't try, what will will you do next time, when it is more critical? I try not to let opportunities like this go unanswered if I'm training a crew member. Time permitting , I'll set up a scenario with a newer climber, for example, a fairly innocous fir removal, spike up, limb everthing, bomb the top wherever, and chunk it down. OK we're ready to take the top out, that's where you want to make your cut? I'll send you your pole pruner with a tag line, don't climb any higher, set the line up high with your pole pruner, OK, so the top can go anywher, lets pretend there are some primaries over ther , put the top here, see if you can jump the top so it lands this way instead of that way, etc, etc, So maybe we didn't do the removal in exactly "production" time, but that climber is one step closer to being a safe, skilled production climber than had we not taken the time to spend on training. What if this dead branch was over a housedrop, would you suggest gently lowering it onto the wire then pulling it free( something wev'e all done,i'm sure) what is more professional ? that or being able to efficientl clear the wire without touching it, in the same amount of time?