Protection--what do you wear?

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Jeans...Tshirt, John Deere Ball cap...

So far so good, but Im only a recreational cutter...
I'm barely a weekend warrior, but I have a hardhat/face shield/earmuffs combination thing, gloves, and chaps. If I don't wear the big orange head protector, I wear safety glasses and earmuffs instead. I ought to get some better chaps from Labonville, and I need to get some steel-toed boots. Better safe than sorry!

I was porting a set of heads once, and I got a chip of steel in each eye. The first chip was a result of me taking off the safety glasses to see better, and the second chip was in spite of the safety glasses. I wore safety goggles after that. I value my eyesight very much, and having the chips removed was absolutely no fun at all; I got awful lucky that neither chip hit my corneas. It's also fortunate I had optical insurance at the time, because otherwise those two ophthalmologist visits would have been rather costly!
Gloves and a hardhat... That's it... :rock:

Hope that paints a good mental picture for you'se.


That was cruel man!

All I can picture is my ol' granny stranglin' chickens nekkid in winter and some lunk comes up and says "Here mam, ya'll fergot your hardhat.".


(always ear/eye protection, steel toes, chaps (half ones but below the knees) most of the time, and hh under stuff that may fall on me........the rest of my PPE is still in my wallet and useless by now)

peltor hat/ear muff, eye protection, stihl chaps but just got in Labonville racing chaps. stihl protective shirt, steel toe boots, kevlar gloves
Same here, Ive seen some guys wear so darn much stuff they cant even get out of thier own way.


Thats why I wear what I do.

If Im doing some work, I want to be nimble, and be able to get out of the way fast, be able to move freely. I dont want a hard hat, goggles, although earplugs would be nice..Chaps, jacket..

Put all that stuff on, I move like a penguin...

TIMBERRRRRRRR....OH crap..hold on...crap crap crap...waaaait..I cant get turned around, my safety chaps are caught on this branch...:help:
Eye and ear protection, gloves, boots, and protective chaps. Hardhat/face shield combo when felling. Always try to remember my brain. Always stuff a cell phone in a pocket when working alone. :censored:
Ear/eye, chaps, hard hat, boots, gloves when cold.

And I clear around where I'm cutting for a good escape path. Areas with vines are the roughest terrain for me.
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hard hat, ear plugs, full wrap safety glasses, gloves, chaps, steel toe boots.

When chopping with an axe, I wear the same, minus the ears and chaps, but I have a pair of shin/ankle/knee guards (MLB catchers guards..old school ones) that I wear after catching an ax in the shin.
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I ALWAYS wear chaps, mine arent a full wrap or pant, they are just the normanl hook on the back kind. These are nice for hot and cold because they arent too hot in the summer like im sure the full pants are and in the cold I can fit them over my carhartts. I only wear gloves if its really cold and even then I dont care for lather, i like the ones with the rubber stuff on them for a good no-slip grip. I also wear safety glasses,( or sometimes my sunglasses cause they wrap around my face the way safety glasses do). other that that I dont get to crazy about alot of the other stuff. . .
. . .we have a helmet and hearing protection but dont use it every time the saws come out.
I have to ad one thing. I was cutting a large black spruce once with a lot of dead limbs on it. when it came down I was in the woods walking up to it. And bang it hit me on the top of my helmet a 3'' limb. The top of the tree hit dead fall and was sent flying in the air to land on me! Glad I was wearing my brain bucket! it must have had allot of hang time!
I wear chaps, plugs, boots and either goggles or glasses depending on the day. Usually a brain bucket when felling.

Not to start a pissing match on the net, but I am just not buying the PPE slowing you down. I tighten my chaps down until they wrap my legs tight, they fit right so I can move. Not sure how far I would run in my Wescos, but other than boots and chaps, I move as fast as if I were clothed to head to the pub.

Gotta put in the plug for Bug Eyez, those things are sweet for cutting when it is not bright enough to wear shades. Good wrap, no fogging, really dig it.
I wear chaps, plugs, boots and either goggles or glasses depending on the day. Usually a brain bucket when felling.

Not to start a pissing match on the net, but I am just not buying the PPE slowing you down. I tighten my chaps down until they wrap my legs tight, they fit right so I can move. Not sure how far I would run in my Wescos, but other than boots and chaps, I move as fast as if I were clothed to head to the pub.

Gotta put in the plug for Bug Eyez, those things are sweet for cutting when it is not bright enough to wear shades. Good wrap, no fogging, really dig it.
I agree I think they were referring to the time to put it all on.
It depends on where you are at If you are in deep south 100 degrees out
chaps are hard to wear and work. I started before chaps were mandatory
never cut my legs but wear them most times now, not in very hot conditions as I had a heat condition before and feel a stroke more likely to happen than me cutting myself! My chaps also don't have a nick in them but this is different on different sawperators, as I have seen chaps look like they have been run through a chipper and if I was one of them I would wear the things to bed. I wear safety glasses with z87 and have to take them off in excessive heat and clean fog off them so I can see! All these things do take time but I know very few sawyers that are going a hundred miles per hour and are not dead.
I wear a hard hat on the job at all times even though I have not had one safe my life I have had them save me from getting pissed climbing out from under a truck that someone left door open and would have smarted if I had not had it on.
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steel toe husky rubber boots, husky bib's, husky hardhat /w muffs and ofcourse husky comfort gloves or trigger finger gloves if its cold....