so i have to ask if my fears about a prussik knot are warranted. i use a 8 mm loop of sterling brand cord, its what the rock climbing shop local carries, and while it seems to grab very well with no slippage in climbing or holding position i have to wonder if it would slip under a slight shock load and send me slipping on down at a fast rate? or do they usualy slip and then grab in such an event? does bee line or icetail or the other brands they carry in the catalogs have any gripping advantage or just wear better over continued use? myself those little spliced eyes look like the weak point and i dont like how splices are hard to see if they are coming apart etc whereas a knot is pretty positive and easy to inspect. also, how is it that the prussik loop isnt the weak point in the system since its usualy smaller than the main rope? i guess its only got half your weight on it since the tree limb above acts as a pulley effect but still something to think about. just thoughts that bounce thru my mind and figured i would put out there for disscussion, tree climber companion is a great book that shows alot but still leaves me wondering about some of these little curiosities!