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User Formerly known as stephenbullman
May 17, 2004
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Working on some trees last week, some guys were working on the opposite side of the road from us erecting some fence. i think they felt this tree was in their way.
guy was pretty angry when he saw me taking the picture, but looked even more upset(in fact i think he crapped his pants) when i informed him he was in a conservation area and faced a possible fine of upto £20,000 if the wrong person saw it.
i could hear them running their saw whilst i was up a tree but couldnt see what they werre doing. judging by the length of time i heard the saw running and the size of the cut i figure the saw was so blunt they could have done it quicker with a zubat
Originally posted by stephenbullman
he was in a conservation area and faced a possible fine of upto £20,000 if the wrong person saw it.
Why wouldn't any citizen be "the wrong person"?:angry:

Generally I think being a snitch or a tattletale ain't :cool: , but if you know the consequences to that tree, why don't you see that the cudder gets the consequences of the law?

I'm glad you posted the picture here. Now that you have the pic in your pc, why not send it to a place it will do some real good, like to the enforcement agency so they can :blob5: that idiot? Otherwise your silence will enable him to do the same to other trees.
as much as it annoyed me to see what they did, im not in the habit of bankrupting small companies.
we're all struggling to make a living as it is.
hopefully what i said to him was enough to make him think twice next time.
i am tempted however to tell the homeowner that this company have essentially condemned their tree to death and in a few years time will have a hazardess tree within hitting distance of their house.
Gee, that was a living organism, killing for profit?
Send the guy and the home owner to jail and take all their property, ..., that was a living organism!
jargon translation

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Weird underbed.
Ummm, letme guess...Is and "underbed" something that you set something on, like gravel under pavement or a fencepost or stile (?)?

"i am tempted however to tell the homeowner that this company have essentially condemned their tree to death and in a few years time will have a hazardess tree within hitting distance of their house."
sb that would be the responsible thing to do. I don't know how lawyers are in the uk but here you may be legally liable if you knew what you know and did not inform them. Ethically and morally liable, imvhapo.

As far as bankrupting poor little companies, they should have insurance that would cover a claim or settle a suit. I've appraised trees damaged or killed by contractors and all their settlements were paid for by insurance.

Also have some sympathy for the tree owner (slow down, jack--they did not approve of this--or did they? Weirder tree sins have happened)--they have effectively lost an asset that was worth thousands of pounds. Call a local tree appraiser if you do not believe this.
well you know what, i've had someone specifically ask me to do that very thing to a tree before, so who knows, maybe the home owner requested that.
where the fence was there was a public footpath. it wasn't possible for them to take the fence round the tree. i guess their options were to do what they did. or stop the fence at the tree and continue the other side

Who out there works for free?
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
don't expect the public at large to hold trees in such high regard.
Rocky, the public in the form of the legal system does sometimes hold trees in high regard. I've given 7 depositions in the last few years defending tree appraisals. All the cases settled before trial; the range was ~$12,000 to $43,000. I think that all the tree-killers got off easy, but any way you look at it that's a fair amount of regard. :p

"i guess their options were to do what they did. or stop the fence at the tree and continue the other side." Other options existed; I've seen several fences fastened to trees with hardware that did little wounding and allowed for growth. But then, that calls for some thought on the part of the contractor, maybe too much to ask in this case :dizzy:.

mb how does working for free tie in? First underbed, now this?
Originally posted by MasterBlaster

Who out there works for free?

Sometimes! On days I'm not working, about once or twice a month. I'll go down to the river park which has an enormous number of trees in need. I'll pick one to keep my climbing up and clean it out of dead wood and broken braches. The city has no money to take care of them. Afeter I'll call the city and report a large pile of brush to be picked up.

I don't get paid for it. And something always comes from it.

I'm off my meds...

That is still a weird underbed.

And this whole thread is because of the need to put bucks in your wallet.

Those fence guys weren't working for free, I 'spect.
i agree with RJS a lot of people do think of trees as large weeds unfortunatly :( and we arborists are a minority..but still the law of this land says that tree was protected by law somebody ie the local tree officer should be informed of what has been done to the tree ie laws broken and the tree effectively killed , the fencer should not be allowed to get away with this crime..what i do not understand is there are a whole lot of consulting arborists[who specialise in construction related advice etc] in this area yet builders fencers landscapers never use there services and things like this are sadly seen far too often
If this was a historic area why was there no inspector present to see the work that was being done properly? My guess is inspector was some unknowing college idiot with a degree who would not know a tree from apple butter. As much as the dunce who did that butchery to tree is responsible why was area not properly surveyed to see possible problem with fence installation?
I suspect under US law just getting the OK from the owner to cut the tree would not be enough, unless the owner was also properly informed of the consequences....
That is certainly a painful pic for those that care for trees... I looked at a job years ago where the homeowner, whom was a contractor, had used a saw to flatten off the side of a big oak, so he could nail up steps to a tree fort for his kids... I just walked off the site and never called him again.... I'd rather not work for people that think like that...
Tell that to his wife and kids.

I've removed many a fine tree so a fence could be built.

It sucked, but I didn't loose any sleep over it.

That may sound harsh, but that's the real world. I would guess the damage we do just driving to the jobsite is equivalent to the damage done when we get there. Gas consumption, emissions, the Honey Bun wrapper thrown from the truck (not me!). The fuel/oil mix spilled on the ground. The smoke from the dump when we burn. Blah blah blah, on and on.

Ah, for a perfect world. :cool:
Yea, but we're not talking about a tree that was removed so a fence can be installed, are we?

We're talking about a tree that we all know will eventually fail due to the fencers actions...

and lack of common focking sense.

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