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I told you I was off my meds. Now I understand what Guy was talking about with the under bed thing. Honestly, I thought that was some crazy Murphy notch (sorry, Daniel), and the fencers were gonna throw the thing.

Sooooo... What is worse? Doing what they did to the tree? Or removing it? I guess it would depend on what is around the tree.

That would be a cool thing to follow-up on, over the years.

And oh yeah, that's not a good thing to do to the tree. I would like to hear all mitagating/extenuating arguments over it.
Geez. All you have to do is cut out the fence on the bottom to accomodate the trunk. It's not as if that's an unusual practice. Either these guys are as bad at fence making as they are at tree work, or they really wanted an excuse to fire up the chainsaw.
I have to side with Guy on this. Report it, if a fine comes, so be it. The reason these practices continue is because they are seldomly reported. People think twice after hearing of a large fine being levied.

The TPO in Austin, TX was a joke. Fines pretty minute compared to the damages done. One thing that started getting developer's attention was that when a violation happened, their jobsite was red flagged and shut down;) A few of those being publicized and contractors learned.

The public thinking that trees are just sticks of wood is largely true. Why should they think differently when so many self proclaimed professionals are so apathetic:confused:
We all have done stupid stuff that is wrong on some level of life and that is part of educating ourselves.
Give that fencing guy the benifit of the doubt and maybe he needs to be educated in the wrongs of his actions
Reporting him may only piss him off and he will continue his destruction with a new hate for trees
A easier said than done approach is to educate him and his kind after that then slam him with a fine next time!
Re: jargon translation

Originally posted by Guy Meilleur

As far as bankrupting poor little companies, they should have insurance that would cover a claim or settle a suit. I've appraised trees damaged or killed by contractors and all their settlements were paid for by insurance.

just curious. im not legal expert....
under these circumstances would an insurance company pay out when the company in question had cut a tree illegally?
The way many policies are written, I believe such damages come out of a company's business liability coverage. I'm no expert either, but that is what the lawyers have told me.
maybe, but you know what insurance companies are like. if theres a way out of paying up you can be sure as hell they'll find it
Insurance company will probably pay out for damages and then drop company like hot potato. Company should be reported no doubt, to witness what was done and ignore or do nothing when you know better is helping this dunce continue.
"you know what insurance companies are like. if theres a way out of paying up you can be sure as hell they'll find it"

Too true. last month a case went as far as jury selection and an 11 a.m. appt. for me to testify. I got the call when I was halfway to court, at 10:40, telling me not to bother. :rolleyes:

In another case they treid to wiggle out for 2+ years, then settled for $20k after seeing my second appraisal.
Yeah the ins. co.s wait as long as they can to pay. But if their feet are held to the fire they will have to.

So have you talked to the homeowner yet? It'[d be good for them to know about their tree before they pay for the fence. that's one check I'd be VERY slow to write.:p
shop em

shop them, make them realise what they have done.....maybe even give him a card (dont mention it was you though :D ) ....make him and others aware the hard way of the law

we had some woman who got in a landscaper to 'pollard' 4 massive limes, they took them back to 4 sticks.....we came in to remove the furry sticks, she was threatened with £80k, nowt ever came of it.....

problem with this case, noone was ever fined....£80k would hurt


now when i have destroyed a few fences in my day with parts of a tree i had to pay for it...so when fences destroy trees for the same reason why dont the fence contractors have to pay for it?