Question For The Hookers!!!

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A.K.A Rotten Tree Limbs
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 3, 2002
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Amoungst My Saws........Fool That Has Too Many!!!
Today I climbed a Sugar Maple for Steve (Husky288XP). This was the first major removal that I had done in some time. The job went off without a hitch and was done in a very timely manner. I noticed something about myself when climbing with spikes. After having done primarily prunings I find myself climbing on spikes in much the same fashion. I use the balls of my feet wherever possible instead of the gaffs. I also hip thrust short distances instead of using the spikes to climb. This doesn't bother me one bit climbing this way. The way I see it whatever works for you. I just want to get other openings and also see if anyone else is prone to this. I know some members climb without spikes in which case all the methods I employed would be used.

Let me know what you think!
When I have my gaffs on, I have my gaffs on. If I've gone to the trouble of putting the suckers on, so I'm gonna make em work. Getting the most out of your spurring technique is an art you develop. The physical act of putting on your hooks doesn't mean you know how to use em for your best affect.
No way, bro. Sharp is the ticket. It keeps you from having to stomp into the tree, and that saves wear and tear on yur lower legs. I just step, and casually walk up the tree. And being longshanks, I don't kick out.

Usually. ;)
I use whatever technique is required for the specific task at hand. Whether that is getting up to the first branch 50' up, or moving 5' up a lead.
When I say sharp, I don't mean needle points, and I'm also refering to the sides of the gaff, along with the bevel. It's all so subjective, ya know? If ya get em too pointy, you can't get em out. And visey-versy. Ya just gotta experiment, and see whut works for you. ;)
Body angle - distance from tree

I do a lot of take downs and I've noticed that when the spikes peel out is when I'm to close to the trunk. The angle of the body to the trunk is some what more important than spike sharpness.

The exception imo is when taking down extreme hard hardwoods.
My error MasterBlaster

MasterBlaster is right. Sharperness you need. I assumed that everyone sharppened there spikes before entering a tree for take down. Sharp does not mean pointed as MB said.

But I've had a problem lately with spikes peeling out, slipping. Maybe the spikes need replacing. They may not be as long as they should be.
If I'm not doing a central leader tree, then I'm ususally on toprope so I will use the rope in combination with the gaffs. Also, I often wear my corks when doing sreading crown trees, that may require a lot of lateral movement for rigging.
I don't normally post in the climbers forum,because I am not a tree climber.I will however ,as an ex pole climber add this thought." stomping" your hooks,because they are dull,will bring you right out of a sound sleep,when the "charley horses" hit you about 2 in the morning .
Good point, Al. I try to never stomp into the tree, but just step and walk up the tree. That's helps a lot to fight fatigue.
Rich what are u worried about your knocked the tree out in about 3 1/2 hours. It would have been quicker if the chipper wasn't given use crap but o well its done. And try to do more removals to get use to the gaffs again. Jk i have no idea about that. :angel:
Well Rich, I rarely use my spikes, and when I do, I still climb on the rope as much as I can. However, if a TIP above me isnt there, then I climb the spikes in the normal fashion as butch describes.

My pantin sees alot of action! The only time I wear spikes is when I am getting in the tips of oak trees and there is no tie in point as the wood is too small. Also on dead trees I use them because of a lack of a TIP. Other than that its only when I am blocking down the trunk and there is nowhere to stand (stub, knot, ect). I very rarely climb starting at the ground with spikes, I climb up using the rope, and then put on the spikes when I need too.
Lumberjack I very rarely climb starting at the ground with spikes said:
Please explain. You actually put the spikes on after you have climbed up the tree? I don't understand the reasoning behind this, but I'm sure there is one.