question on gaffed rope

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ArboristSite Member
May 1, 2008
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I was taking down four poplar trees threatening a shed area over the weekend. About half way through the job I ended up putting a gaff right through the center of my climbing line. Question is.. Can I cut it at the point of gaffing, then shrink tape and burn the end, or do I need to go buy another 150' hank of rope?? If i could cut and burn , it would be good, because I really don't want to spend 130 bucks right now.. thoughts are helpful.
SO you are happy getting two 75' ropes out of your present 150'?
If so, go ahead and cut it at the 'point of injury' wrap it and melt the end...
your best bet is to just buy a new rope. cut your old rope and melt the ends, you will still find that the 2 pieces that you have now will come in use somehow or another. if your happy with having a short climbing rope go ahead and use it.
thanks for the responses. I figured i'd be able to save and use it for tag lines or short climbs. It's not middle of the hank, it was only about 40 ft into it. just the middle of the rope. I'll be able to still have appx 100-110' for a line and 40-50 for a tag line now. I'll prob end up with another hank, but i'd like to hold off oon more $ until I have to. I just wasn't sure if the cut melt reuse what was left was ok, but it is i guess. Thanks for the help.:cheers:
thanks for the responses. I figured i'd be able to save and use it for tag lines or short climbs. It's not middle of the hank, it was only about 40 ft into it. just the middle of the rope. I'll be able to still have appx 100-110' for a line and 40-50 for a tag line now. I'll prob end up with another hank, but i'd like to hold off oon more $ until I have to. I just wasn't sure if the cut melt reuse what was left was ok, but it is i guess. Thanks for the help.:cheers:

If your useing short climb ropes tie a knot in the tail end so ya don't forget and run out of rope and you should be fine.
Just because you sank your gaff through your rope doesn't mean you can't still climb on it. I gaffed my safety lanyard the first week I had it and I've been using it for 2 years. It depends on what type of rope you're using and how the gaff went through it. My lanyard is 16 braid and the gaff literally pushed through damaging only 3 of the strands, which is no worse than a small nick with your handsaw. There is no golden rule to replacing rope due to damage. Its all confidence and your comfort level.
I would say replace it if you have the money. I would say replace it if you dont have the money.
I gaffed plenty of ropes, never had to replace cause it never broke threads. but if you want to cut and seal the end, search climbing knots and use a whipping knot ( theres many types) with some twine to seal the end after you burn em.
I gaffed my yellow jacket climbing rope to the point that I had to reach down and pull it off the gaff and it didn't hurt it much that I could tell but being the big guy that I am I untied the snap and re-tied to the other end when I reached my TIP and cut the short damaged piece off after I was finished, only had to cut the first 5 feet off.
I agree md tree, I gaffed my Samson Arbormaster one year and kept on useing it.. I never had any problems....I am under 180lbs though, dont know if that matters or not.. I would say this is a personal judgment call, if your in doubt about its integrity, stop useing it.
Back in the day of the old three strand ropes, if it didn't cut clean through one of the strands we just burned it and kept on getten it.
re use

I read in a Samson catalog that if two or more adjacent strands are damaged, then you should separate it at that point.
hey everyone

I ended up doing what I originally thought. I cut and burned it at the gaffing point. It is true blue rope and I could see the inner white non dyed core fibers frayed as well. Plus i'm 6'4'' 235. Better safe than sorry. Most of my climbs are under 70 feet. So, even with it cut and a now short piece for a tag line, it shoud be ok. I did get another 150 ft hank as well. Thanks for all the info. :cheers:
I always thought your name was adirondack-CHICK and I got really scared when I saw how big you were. A bit more normal now that I know you're a man, lol.

Yeah, I guess that could be a little scary.... Your not the first to read it that way, and prob won't be the last have a good one! :jawdrop:
glad to hear you cut it... there's no way I'd continue to climb on a compromised rope...... depending on how badly rope was cut, it'd probably would have held up for a long time yet. but it could easily fail too!

what's your life worth?

I ended up doing what I originally thought. I cut and burned it at the gaffing point. It is true blue rope and I could see the inner white non dyed core fibers frayed as well. Plus i'm 6'4'' 235. Better safe than sorry.
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