I guess I’ll just keep going with this thread…
The splitter totally rocks but my experience with Lowe’s was one of the worst buying experiences I can recall. I ordered it online Wednesday, the last day of the sale. They were on sale for $999 and with the coupon recommendation from Greenkeeper, I scored it for $899 and also got 10% off on the log catcher, which won’t be here for another week. Because the total price with tax and everything was a little over $1000, unbeknownst to me, my credit card company flagged the transaction as fraudulent. I’ve used my credit card probably 100 times at Lowe’s by now but this purchase was over the threshold, at least as far as my Cabela’s Visa was concerned. There was an error when I went to place my order online---a window popped up telling me to call Lowe’s, which I did and the guy got the transaction approved by phone. When I went in to pick it up on Friday, the clerk said they’d have to run my credit card. Again. I told her I had already been through it but she said they had to run it and of course it was declined. After many attempts, I was able to complete the transaction (AGAIN) with my Dick’s card. I’d rather have the Cabela’s points but whatever it takes…
After waiting in line for 20+ minutes to pick the splitter up out behind Lowe’s, I made my way home. Got back and flipped through the manual and I noticed that the gas shut off was in the ON position. The manual said it should always be off when transporting it or moving it and to make a long story short, the engine flooded and it would not start. And the choke lever was also broken! I called DHT and explained the scenario to the tech (who spoke English!) and he confirmed that the engine probably flooded on the way home. He said gasoline likely made its way into the oil and recommended that I change it. I actually thought about changing it but then I decided that after spending $1000 on a new gadget, I wasn’t about to change the oil prior to its 1st use. So yesterday morning I drug it back down to Lowe’s and exchanged it. 2 of the cashiers were working again who assisted in the debacle Friday afternoon and they just shook their heads. Exchanging it was a lot quicker than buying it. I literally had about an hour and a half in the purchase and credit card BS in the store after ordering it and paying for it online and then by phone. Ugh.
Before leaving Lowe’s with my 2nd splitter, I shut the gas shutoff valve OFF. All of the ones sitting there had the gas shutoff valve ON. Apparently the guy who set them up started them and then never closed the shutoff valve. So I made it home and the 2nd splitter wouldn’t start either. Before trying to start it, I removed the gas tank screen and I noted that only a small amount of gas was in the tank, presumably months old. I was going to drain it altogether but figured a small amount of old gas wouldn’t ruin my day. I filled the tank with fresh gas I purchased on the way home but it still wouldn’t start. Finally after a shot of starting fluid and a few more yanks, she kicked! I let it run and warm-up for a little while and ran the wedge back and forth a few times before attempting any serious splitting. Obviously, I also checked all fluid levels and everything seemed up to snuff there.
Once I got her running, great splitter! I cannot believe the amount of rounds I busted up in just a short time. I will really be cooking with gas once the log catcher gets here. I am very satisfied and it started on the 1st pull once it was warmed up. Just for ***** and giggles, I went out this morning to see how it would start and it did take 8 or 10 yanks. I’m not sure I quite have the choke/throttle combination figured out yet. I think the manual says the throttle should be at about half throttle to start. I had to move it over to wide open to get it to kick. It sputtered with the choke on, and I had to shut the choke off to get it to start. If anyone has any advice, feel free to chime in. I plan to help my Pop split a big pile of oak he had delivered but I’m almost afraid to move the dang thing. I’m sure there will be a learning curve as far as moving and starting it goes and again, any advice would be appreciated.