I ran 87 octane in saws with well over 200 lbs of compression with no detonation problems. I did use octane booster f I remember it. A saw is turning over so fast it doesn't seem to matter about the octane as much as larger bore engines.
87???? You bastard! If I'd have known you ran a 230psi saw with advanced timing on 87 I never in a million years woulda bought it!!! No, it's fine.Jon did the 288 piston have any pitting on top off it? It was run with 87 the whole time I ran it?
250 lbs?! I'd probably have to have a kick starter installed.
And apparently to expose weaknessMostly smaller saws. They don't mind the higher compression on the small bores. I did build a 288 with 230 lbs sort of by accident.
I know a lot of people that log for a living ,i do not think many of them think this hard about the fuel in their saws ,stihl mix and pump gas seems to keep them going for many years
Yah well, this is AS where we argue about anything and everything.
Also if you talk to guys that tear these engines down all the time, they tell another story. Just do a search on Lakeside Andy's posts here on AS about saws and gas and oil used in them. He has posted many times about seeing lots of detonation damage in saws running regular. He also says that any kind of dyno oil in the premix will lead to low ends gunking up.
run the green fuel lines in the stihls ,and will not have the ethonol eating rubber problems when fuel s its in them
I'm thinking the ethanol eats Stihl fuel lines even if you don't leave fuel sitting in them. My 029S just got its fourth fuel line replacement this month, and the others have had at least two each.
I've gotten careful to run the saws dry before quitting on a daily basis, yet I'm Stihl getting fuel lines replaced every 3-4 years. The replacement lines don't seem to last as long as the originals. The dealer/shop(s) tell me "bad gas" is the culprit and sometimes try to sell me the $8 a quart fuel. I've bought some, but it's just too pricey for a real solution.
What are these "green" fuel lines, and how do i specify them if I'm taking my saw to a dealer shop?