If I remember it is fifty for the top and fifty for the bottoms.
I dont wear rain jackets unless were cutting at the snow line or in the snow. In a down pour or just a good rain. I wear knitted wool sweaters I pick up from the goodwill or salvation army. Before anyone ask's, yes sometimes I can look like "Clark Griswold" from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. They keep my really warm and fairly dry. For a light drissle day, just a thing cotton hooded sweat shirt and a hickory.
Tin pants. Thin long johns underneath or you can be brave and just run them in your skivvies.
ended up buying the tin bibs - looking forward to breaking them in... Figured I could toss them on over my pants if need be and will be great in the winter.
I hope you got them big! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
Tin pants shrink FAST! Tin hats shrink even faster!
Anyone else wear gore-tex raingear?
Remember this keep it warm. leave it in the truck and it gets super cold over night, thaw and warm them before you do anything. Them buggers will get stiff and break on ya, never would have believed it had I not seen it with my own two eye balls.
I have not had that problem. I keep growing...all my pants are shrinking. The hat? It hasn't shrunk at all.
To clarify, I think we are now talking about the Filson Tin Hat, not the metal one.
Anyone else wear gore-tex raingear? There's plenty of mention of tin pants and rubber gear but no mention of gore-tex or any of the other equivalents
Anyone else wear gore-tex raingear? There's plenty of mention of tin pants and rubber gear but no mention of gore-tex or any of the other equivalents