Wow didn't realize 4 hours i appreciate the offer for sure but we would probably save a bundle if i go that route to get them down here.
I got the idea of putting this thing in the back of my truck because of the guy hew bought the smaller 2250xp before i got mine. The dealer said you have to see this thing this other guy bought it to put it up in the back of his pickup truck. and it fit took up all the bed but was definitely possible.
so the 2450xp is the exact same dimensions just weights a little more i know its under 2k. i figured getting a stumper in the back of the truck that had that kind of motor would be a pretty awesome setup to try and keep an extra trailer off a job site. every night i have to go out and put out like a million parking cones ifor the next job, getting one less trailer there would be pretty sweet on how many cones i gotta carry around
Heres what i was thinking so far its about the best deal i have found right under 8 feet. my big question is tho do you think thats long enough I've found others out there making 10 footers which isn't to bad to haul with these metal guys because they fold in half.
HDFA91 Heavy Duty ATV - Lawn Mower Ramps