Rate my spike

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John in MA

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 15, 2001
Reaction score
Finally got tired of waiting for one of those large 111 felling spikes to turn up, so I made my own. Anyone care to give his opinion of the design? I decided to go with the big teeth/wide space type.

BTW: You can make almost anything out of sheetmetal with a hacksaw, drills, an angle grinder, and a few files.
John I think you found your calling, those spikes look awesome.
" John's Custom Bucking Spikes"
It was from a peice of 3/32" steel about 2.5' long. Grade: rusty. Beats me what it is. I had it lying around in the garage for a few years. Can't be too hard because the hacksaw cut well.

If it didn't take me a couple hours for that one, I figure I could fab made-to-order spikes. If someone wants to donate a Bridgeport and a horizontal bandsaw, we can be partners. :D
Hey John, this might be a good reason for you to "invest" in a plasma cutter. If this were a "legitimate" business, the right offs are decent. You`d really be able to crank `em out then!Russ