Yes, SOOOOOO simple. I built a skid to go in the back of my truck. the Rg12 rolls up and drops into its slot-There are chocks in the front to keep from rolling it to far forward, a low (1.5")bar at the rear that I can pull it over to unload but provides stability-holding things against the front chocks. Side bars cradle the tire sidewalls. The Cutter wheel rests on a piece of Hackberry.screwed on the front extension of the skid. At the rear I have an extension with a pivoting piece of angle iron and a hitchpin, The piece pivots up past center (angling forward) and the pin goes through the handle adjustment flange. I've logged over 100,000 stable miles with that simple system. unclip one pin and pivot the brace down and you can unload/load. With the pin in place it stays right where it is supposed to be.