Need some advice from the brain trust on my older splitter. Been keeping up reading but haven't posted in a while...
Background: Have a CL/Speeco 22T from TSC that is about 12 years old. On the second engine as I repowered the loud rough Kohler with Predator from HF a while ago and it's been great. Did a full Hyd fluid change w/ filter at the beginning of the season as I found it milky this year.
Problem: Control seems to stick or drift a bit causing a slight downward drift of head. Never did this before. I tried WD40 and watching it and it doesn't occur all the time but regularly enough and makes me nervous from a safety standpoint. FWIW I run it verticle & make it a strong habit to not put my hands on top or across the round.
Anyone encounter this or have a fix? - most splitters of this range seem to run the same style control.
Background: Have a CL/Speeco 22T from TSC that is about 12 years old. On the second engine as I repowered the loud rough Kohler with Predator from HF a while ago and it's been great. Did a full Hyd fluid change w/ filter at the beginning of the season as I found it milky this year.
Problem: Control seems to stick or drift a bit causing a slight downward drift of head. Never did this before. I tried WD40 and watching it and it doesn't occur all the time but regularly enough and makes me nervous from a safety standpoint. FWIW I run it verticle & make it a strong habit to not put my hands on top or across the round.
Anyone encounter this or have a fix? - most splitters of this range seem to run the same style control.