Real men don't wear ear plugs

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I’ve lost most of my hearing. I now wear foamies covered by silicon wax pieces with muffs that I modded with extra foam. Once you lose hearing , there’s no getting it back. Makes it pretty hard to be social or go to movies ext. my best hope is to be reincarnated
My entire life has been an assault on my hearing. From playing guitar in rock bands until the mid 20’s to working around jets now, that run APU’s all day long. I’ve always used hearing protection when shooting but have begun to let it slip when running saws. I can remember when I could lie awake in bed at night and hear my watch ticking on the dresser across the room. That seems remarkable to me btw. Now my tinnitus drowns out most of my hearing probably. It’s not painful, but irritating, inconvenient and my wife has problems with it.
Oh well…
Instead prefer to slowly go deaf.

My safety helmet/face shield/hearing protection is a PITA.

I have had a separate helmet, and the mesh goggles, and have finally order some cost efficient light weight ear buds.

This is the way to go for us boys that like to hear a movie rather then read the subtitles. Reading 'Loud Explosion' just isn't the same as hearing it.
LOL, not.... right ear is completely deaf since TM for turbine generator has one standing with right ear towards unit( since everyone is right handed), and 1st set of " hearing protection" was "just wear your shooting plugs private". 2nd set is pictured. Oh, and your here to follow orders, not ask questions like "why do flight liners wear 'mickey mouse' headgear and we don't?" Guess Army turbines are quieter, lol....not.
I find the shield restricting. It flips up, but then it hits branches. All is great for bucking on the road, but when I have to do any brush whacking it is a PITA.
That's when I switch to goggles.
When I was a teenager, grandad, dad, and I cut a dead red oak up on the bluff. It was in pretty close to other trees, so dad was looking up to check for hangers and widowmakers. A stub about two inches thick and a foot or so long got knocked off as the trunk went by another tree. It hit him just left of the bridge of the nose, about half inch below the left eye. Drove him to his knees. It was geysering blood pretty good. Took a few stitches and whole face was black and blue for weeks. Not sure the face screen would have saved him, but it mightve slowed it down a bit. Always wear the hardhat and glasses when felling. Glasses anytime. Earplugs most of the time. Guilty of running the Homies and Macs for short bursts with no plugs in. Love the sound. Guess I need to keep the plugs in if I want to keep hearing it huh?
Always wear muffs with the rifles and handguns. Guilty of not using with shotguns in the dove field. Cant hear the callers.
Or when jumping out the truck when 'spot and stalking' deer/elk, lol
I’ve lost most of my hearing. I now wear foamies covered by silicon wax pieces with muffs that I modded with extra foam. Once you lose hearing , there’s no getting it back. Makes it pretty hard to be social or go to movies ext. my best hope is to be reincarnated
Roll ups, in Mickey mouses, lined with more dense foam. Lost em at a Tool concert. Hope some young buck/doe is using em and learning from my "young, dumb and full of some(thing)" phase.
Instead prefer to slowly go deaf.

My safety helmet/face shield/hearing protection is a PITA.

I have had a separate helmet, and the mesh goggles, and have finally order some cost efficient light weight ear buds.

This is the way to go for us boys that like to hear a movie rather then read the subtitles. Reading 'Loud Explosion' just isn't the same as hearing it.
Doing the hand bump Explosion helps...not. ;>(
There is not much more annoying where you can hear every thing. Last night a storm finally blew through with plenty of rain. Had to reach in one of my pockets for some ear plugs just to go back to sleep. Ear plugs go in to my pocket every day for those what if moments. Since I wear glasses I do not worry about low risk activities, but I keep at least twenty sets of safety googles around the shop for any risky activity. Since high school I have come to the understanding we are only given a few of every thing we really need. In the past would only put on a safety helmet when working with over head danger endeavors, but they can keep you from banging your head into things unnoticed. Thanks

There is not much more annoying where you can hear every thing. Last night a storm finally blew through with plenty of rain. Had to reach in one of my pockets for some ear plugs just to go back to sleep. Ear plugs go in to my pocket every day for those what if moments. Since I wear glasses I do not worry about low risk activities, but I keep at least twenty sets of safety googles around the shop for any risky activity. Since high school I have come to the understanding we are only given a few of every thing we really need. In the past would only put on a safety helmet when working with over head danger endeavors, but they can keep you from banging your head into things unnoticed. Thanks
Handy case
There is not much more annoying where you can hear every thing. Last night a storm finally blew through with plenty of rain. Had to reach in one of my pockets for some ear plugs just to go back to sleep. Ear plugs go in to my pocket every day for those what if moments. Since I wear glasses I do not worry about low risk activities, but I keep at least twenty sets of safety googles around the shop for any risky activity. Since high school I have come to the understanding we are only given a few of every thing we really need. In the past would only put on a safety helmet when working with over head danger endeavors, but they can keep you from banging your head into things unnoticed. Thanks
Handy case helps to always have em and not get squished in watch pocket.
screen gets hot? lolz
you have to much clothes on my friend.

bug eyes or chipper goggles are way hot in the summer as they adhere to your face. No comparison.
Ski/snowmaking googles have thick foam so not as bad.
I learned about ear protection down on the flight line and around firearms. when sawing I use my stihl helmet, screen, safety googles, the stihl ear muffs and also foam ear plugs. the green ones. I use when mowing the green ear plugs. gloves for all the above. if not using my stihl helmet, I usually use over ear ear muffs. unless I want to mow or weed wack and listen to engine. then green plugs only...

I say 'what? huh?'.... but it is usually when u know who... is in another room and facing away from where I am... and expects me to hear her! lol :laughing:
Smile and nod, lol. Not sure if it's a disadvantage most
I have had a giant box of those for almost 20 years. The box is finally about empty, hence the new purchase. The rolling up before inserting is what I am looking to get away from with these new plugs. I'm thinking/hoping I can one handed partially remove a plug so I can communicate with my fellow wood cutting friends, and then simply push it back in with one hand and continue cutting.
By Bluetooth do you mean noise canceling?
What did you say?

I’m going def I never wore hearing protection. Ear muffs on a hardhat wasn’t my thing.

But I would go in the pit in the shop and listen to my big block Chevy drag race engine with open headers. It was music listening to it.

The motorcycles didn’t help too.
And the old guy who could tell you which valve was rattling just walking by.
My entire life has been an assault on my hearing. From playing guitar in rock bands until the mid 20’s to working around jets now, that run APU’s all day long. I’ve always used hearing protection when shooting but have begun to let it slip when running saws. I can remember when I could lie awake in bed at night and hear my watch ticking on the dresser across the room. That seems remarkable to me btw. Now my tinnitus drowns out most of my hearing probably. It’s not painful, but irritating, inconvenient and my wife has problems with it.
Oh well…
Roll ups, in Mickey mouses, lined with more dense foam. Lost em at a Tool concert. Hope some young buck/doe is using em and learning from my "young, dumb and full of some(thing)" phase.
Over the ear muffs are better than ear plugs in the long run. The plugs can cause a backup of wax and gunk in the ear that will then require a visit to a clinic and a trained nurse to remove it. The Doc told me that has happened a dozen or more times a year for his patients alone. You would be surprised at how much wax build-up can get in there.
Wow, with that much wax maybe candle making is in your future retirement activities, lol

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