A history lesson
This moving around,and learning new proceedures is not a new concept.The olden trade guilds,in Europe,as far back as the middle ages,started the whole thing.A young man,was indentured,to a master craftsman,for a period of time, normaly 7 yrs.During this training period,he was taken care of,with regards to his room and board,clothing etc.but not paid much,or not at all.After a set time,and when the master felt he was worthy,he was given the tools of his trade,and some traveling money,wished well,by his mentor,and was then required to travel.During the next several years the craftsman visited with numerous masters,in many places,and thus learned,as well as shared,other trade secrets.The purpose for this travel,was for the betterment of the trade ,in general.The young tradesman,had to fullfill his journey,thus the name journeyman.After this was completed,he was then accepted as a master craftsman,amoung his peers.