recreational tree climbing forum

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Well try this then...

Attached is a pic of a tree we're climbing an E. grandis in Australia in the next couple of months with DBH 1.5 - 2 m, Max hieght approx 200+ maybe 250 feet or more will post picks when done...

I am standing on a fallen log on litter build up so ground level is approx 3' bellow my left foot I am 6'1"+ at 90 kg (200 pnd+) fighting weight...My arm span is 6'+...

These are not the biggest trees in Aus' the E. regnans is which i have climbed dozens of in the last 10 years and logged in the last 20 years...

The Queensland climbing comp was on last weekend which is as close as it gets to rec' climbing and it was an amazing event... Will be publishing an article on it soon...
Climbing Championships Queensland Australia...

Thanks for the site...

As promised a little hint of what went down...

QAA (Queensland Arboricultural Association) Qld. Tree Climbing Championships 2006…

[(Bretto’, Hamo’ and B.H. are the same person as the man himself is larger than life, has multiple or split personalities or both and dislikes being shown the accolades he deserves so he is mentioned as often as possible in this article but in disguise to fool him not the reader’s.) B.H. is an acronym for “bloody hard” in climbing generally speaking and perfectly describes how we all find it to deal with the man… This above is of course all a joke…No, seriously, awe come on guys…]

Sunday evening; Bretto’s eating our dust now on the drive out, we’ve just scoped QAA Arb’ Camp 2006 with our President Scott (Lake Macdonald, Sunshine Coast) on the way back from QAA Qld Tree Climbing Championships 2006 Harvey Bay (mainland from Fraser Island)…(There’s some exciting programs designed for this years QAA Arb’ Camp, BRING IT ON!!)

Step back four days…

It’s Thursday avo’ drivin’ up to QAA Tree Climbn' Championships prelim’ set-up for Sat’s events in two day’s time. Davo’ has a room booked, Camo’ ‘n I will crash there tonight with Hamo’ n eat up all Hamo’s stories of the last 10 years or more of national and international tree climbing comp’ anomalies; with relish!

(Davo’ would later spend nearly the whole day in the “Rescue Climb” event tree, recovering each competitors gear, silently nursing ruptured groin tendons.)

Arriving at our Hervey Bay lodgings we are confronted by a subtly jubilant Bretto' as he animatedly depicts a slab of coopers has already been awarded his way for a miss-I.D. on an E. tereticornis against his call of C. (E) tesselaris, oooh yeh, let the fun begin! (Arborist speak for incorrectly identifying a tree's botanical or Latin name...)

In bed after 1 a.m., up at 6:30 a.m. won’t mention what got me out of bed for fear of incriminating, certainly wasn’t the rumble of lignin at the threat of a termite:censored: …

Hervey Bay belted beautiful weather at our motley clan all weekend; best darn coffee across the road kept us W-I-D-E awake; it was on for young and old; several events to co-ordinate and set up, THERE’S CLIMBIN’ TO BE DONE!

It was possibly 10 years ago I was first asked to either compete or judge back in Vic’, I always refused for two reasons; one, I was always too knackered to contribute, running my own business and Daddy to a young family and two, my rock climbing background had convinced me competition climbing was wrong full stop…

This weekend I was able to appreciate the Arb’ community on yet another level, thinking of all the families at home supporting their loved ones through their silence…

I could write a book about what went on yet most would not know the structural integrity of cold anodized, oven baked, aircraft grade, toughened Aluminum Alloy fig’ 8; I feel I may have made some bad calls being over cautious as a judge on the foot lock event alongside Dave and John, an apology might be required for my over anxious nature on the day; I got dropped 35' off a 50’ cliff in my early twenties rock climbing, is that a good enough excuse?

Ryan and Camo’ competed for the first time this year after completing their level 3 Arb’ Qual’s through Bretto’ at the College not more than a week prior; this got me so excited and proud I was ready to burst… After kindly accepting, Bretto’ took Camo’ and Ryan aside at the end of the day and quietly presented them with a ‘Maillon Rapide’ each, used for cambium saver retrieval, in the hope of future comp’s, knowing we will be watching these 2 boys in awe over the next few year’s…

Some or most of the organiser’s put in over 30 working hours onsite at Hervey Bay alone not to mention setting up all the gear prior to this and all the endless months of organizing; this is all voluntary work and leaves me stumped…

Hervey Bay City Council supplied a huge contingent of worker’s including the Head Arb’ guy; all were impressed with the professionalism and competency of the organizers, it was clockwork; pure poetry in motion… The local Ambo’ bloke stuck it out all day with no fun in his field but left with a huge grin in the direction of the “Arbor Link” tent?!

Benny came third, YET AGAIN! Henk (second year competitor) and Matt (first time competitor) respectively 1st and 2nd of 16 competitors in a skilled showdown that is a reckoning force for sure in the up coming nationals and interstate Comp’s, not to mention the Internationals…

As the weekend ripped along the intimacy of my understanding that one must involve oneself to have any effect on anything was the slap I needed, grateful Bretto had dragged me out of my arm chair… In this light I would like to encourage all who may be mildly itchin’ in their arm chair critique to be grossly entertained at any or all comp’s and even the next Arb’ Camp in your State to “come on down” and even help out (the polo top is awesome guys thanks!)…

There were plenty of new competitors on the day, all very impressive though one who has seen the arena many a time before rocked me with her determination and grit, the young and only woman competitor… Veera was inspirational, having not even been given the respect of official rigging normally set for the women she charged on with her own solutions and blitzed the day beating many of the ‘men’ at ‘their own game’, Veera’s partner, watching intently all the while, the two of them beamed smiles all day against the odds, and being the only female competitor out of all of Queensland’s 3.5 million inhabitants… Pic’s of Veera’s performance float across the sky as I write, making their way to my daughters email address, I hope Veera knows what and who she inspires in us all…

Some of the gentlemen judging and volunteering (some for the first time) have been in the industry more than 20 years, all I can say is “it darn well show’s!”, too much fun and a far to smooth event was had by all and the support was enough to bring a tear to the eye as Camo’ and I drove home that Sunday eve exhausted and overjoyed at the four day siege we had just ‘endured’ on a few humble lil’ ol’ tree’s (and one gargantuan E. tesselaris!…) in good ‘ol’ Hervey Bay, August, 2006…

The team atmosphere was profound in the newly found format and helped in quashing my fear’s of the smell of fear found in the arena of competition “anything”; what brilliance in naming team Dealbata, endemic and unique, Tesselaris and Tereticornis why of course and all in the same family to boot…

p.s. Is Bill back yet that fence seemed a little daunting night and day:bang: …

BRING ON QAA ARB’ CAMP 2006! (and QAA Tree Climbing Championships 2007, Redland Bay.)

(Hhhmm, Scott, there could be some dead Lophostemon behind the main building at Lake Macca’ by the time QAA Arb’ Camp comes around hey?!):jawdrop:

Pic 013, 014 Ryan In work climb event landing.
Pic 004 Ryan in the rescue event.
Pic 031 My father first time checking out the comp (In black, At 78 years old) He's thinking of competing next year!

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