my replacement piston should arrive tomorrow so I am going to try my first saw build (an abused eBay 6800 ). But I've never done this before, so I thought I'd ask for some clearance on some small-? (ha) points, if I might ...
I was going to wash out the old black oil and fuel which has accumulated in the crankcase well from the prior owner (which I've done a pretty good job of protecting -- I think). I was going to slosh around a few ounces of keroscene and oil, mixed 50-50
then liberally douse the big end and the two bearings with MX2T
then oil up the little end roller cage and mount the piston -- using bent needle nose plyers, or a screwdriver, and a prayer, to push in the spring clips, keeping the opening in the clip at about 1/4" from the little indent for subsequent extrication if necessary (I guess that's how you get it out. lol)
then lay the new cylinder gasket on the casing (do I leave it dry or do I put a little oil on it, or gasket seal, or ... ?)
then with the piston laying on its side and facing forward, oil up the rings, the piston and the cylinder, and then carefully pinch each ring into the cylinder (the 2mm +/- champfer at the bottom of the cylinder is almost enough to just slide the rings on ) or I can use an adjustable stainless steel ring clamp if that's a critical operation,
then center the cylinder into its "spot" and torque down the cylinder bolts cold (do I use loctite 123, 456, ?).
for torque on the cylinder bolts, in Nm, I'm having trouble reading the Dolmar service manual.
The Dolmar spec calls for "11,5 + 1,0**" Does anyone know what the "plus 1.0 star-star" means?
For comparison, the flywheel spec is "30,0 - 2.5" (minus 2.5 with no stars) and the clutch hub is "55,0 ± 2,5" (plus or minus 2.5 no stars). Might the +1,0** mean that you set the cylinder bolts at 11.5 Nm and then run the saw and then retorque them up to 12.5 Nm. I can't find any reference in their manual as to interpreting the "plus-star-star" torque spec on the last page. Also, for the flywheel, does anyone know what "30 Nm - 2.5" would mean? Do I set the flywheel down on the cone at 30 Nm, then back off the nut, then reset the nut to 27.5?
I was going to wash out the old black oil and fuel which has accumulated in the crankcase well from the prior owner (which I've done a pretty good job of protecting -- I think). I was going to slosh around a few ounces of keroscene and oil, mixed 50-50
then liberally douse the big end and the two bearings with MX2T
then oil up the little end roller cage and mount the piston -- using bent needle nose plyers, or a screwdriver, and a prayer, to push in the spring clips, keeping the opening in the clip at about 1/4" from the little indent for subsequent extrication if necessary (I guess that's how you get it out. lol)
then lay the new cylinder gasket on the casing (do I leave it dry or do I put a little oil on it, or gasket seal, or ... ?)
then with the piston laying on its side and facing forward, oil up the rings, the piston and the cylinder, and then carefully pinch each ring into the cylinder (the 2mm +/- champfer at the bottom of the cylinder is almost enough to just slide the rings on ) or I can use an adjustable stainless steel ring clamp if that's a critical operation,
then center the cylinder into its "spot" and torque down the cylinder bolts cold (do I use loctite 123, 456, ?).
for torque on the cylinder bolts, in Nm, I'm having trouble reading the Dolmar service manual.
The Dolmar spec calls for "11,5 + 1,0**" Does anyone know what the "plus 1.0 star-star" means?
For comparison, the flywheel spec is "30,0 - 2.5" (minus 2.5 with no stars) and the clutch hub is "55,0 ± 2,5" (plus or minus 2.5 no stars). Might the +1,0** mean that you set the cylinder bolts at 11.5 Nm and then run the saw and then retorque them up to 12.5 Nm. I can't find any reference in their manual as to interpreting the "plus-star-star" torque spec on the last page. Also, for the flywheel, does anyone know what "30 Nm - 2.5" would mean? Do I set the flywheel down on the cone at 30 Nm, then back off the nut, then reset the nut to 27.5?