Remove tree and leave logs for firewood

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I can feel for you tgr, lots of tree to take care of!

I don't even try to split wood that big that I get from my jobs.

Hate when this happens for me from the tree companies perspective.
Mighty hard to save a customer relationship and not feel burnt!

I have to laugh sometimes when I get into situations down this line.
Customers says, "Yeah, I can clean up to save a few dollars".
But when the tree is on the ground and all the brush is piled higher than they are
its like "Uhhh, can you clean it up after all?
Sounds pretty clear to me. You stated you wanted firewood from it so "remove tree" means dropping it or removing it from the stump. If you just said "remove the darn tree" without a qualifier then it would have been dropping and taking everything off the property. Of course, others have already said this and you came to the conclusion yourself. If you wanted firewood I'd have gone with the "remove tree and haul brush leaving everything else" option then made sure you and the cutter were on the same page as to what that meant. For the money you saved over removing everything you could have bought a nice saw and had at it.
2. Remove tree, haul away brush, leave logs for firewood, haul away brush (save $700)

I went with option #2.


Were you expecting the main trunk to be cut up and split and left for firewood?

That's what it's sounding like
Considering how brushy Oaks can get I'd go with #2 also but I'd have been quite specific before they got started. "Remove the tree" can mean a whole lot of things and the cutter came back with 3 options trying to clarify what you meant. Unless I wanted everything to the stump gone I'd not have said "remove the tree". Personally, if I wanted firewood I'd have told him I wanted the tree dropped, all the branches down to 6 or 8 inches cut, the rest of the brush hauled off and what was left leave where it dropped. That would have been the time to get any misunderstandings out of the way. If it took them 6 months to show up then before they even cranked a saw we would have the discussion again to make sure everyone knew what was what.
I can feel for you tgr, lots of tree to take care of!

I don't even try to split wood that big that I get from my jobs.

Hate when this happens for me from the tree companies perspective.
Mighty hard to save a customer relationship and not feel burnt!

I have to laugh sometimes when I get into situations down this line.
Customers says, "Yeah, I can clean up to save a few dollars".
But when the tree is on the ground and all the brush is piled higher than they are
its like "Uhhh, can you clean it up after all?
The best one I had was between 50 and 60 large red pine to be cleared. The customer wanted to "brush" behind me to save me from using my loader to clear and stack brush. I figured 15 to 20 trees a day with 5 to 6 logs per tree. 3 guys showed up and I was having to wait to drop trees because of them falling behind. By noon they were exhausted and we only had 5 trees done. They figured I was going to cut the tops into manageable pieces for them! Their piles were all over the place. So I had them watch, cleaned up their mess and got 8 more trees done before dark. Needless to say only one showed back up for the next 3 days. He was good help and I paid him well but we did things how I had to do it for production. The brush pile I had when done filled a small valley! They thought they were going to do it by hand! CJ
Most people don’t have the equipment to handle it or move it . d to chain it and roll the trailer forward to get it out . Dump wouldn’t lift it never measured it but each piece was just shy of 6 foot as it just fit into the trailer that’s a 28 inch bar
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Look at how tight those growth rings are. Old growth for sure!
When I see "firewood" and "brush" separated, I think "brush" is anything less than about 8" in diameter. Everything above that is firewood. A big log like that is, by far, the most expensive/difficult piece to remove. If you really want it gone, them willing to come back out for $500 seems pretty reasonable.

If you wanna see if you can get it sawn up instead of firewood, that may cost you or you may find somebody who wants to pay for it. A big saw mill doesn't want to deal with one log. A small saw mill may have trouble moving one that big. Smaller sawmill might want to buy it...or might have you contract with them to saw it up (it will cost more than $500...but you'll have the lumber).

To go that route, couple of thoughts:
1) Ask the removal company if they have any contacts they know might want it

2) Contact ODNR Service Forester to see if they have a list of small/portable mill operators who would be willing to deal with one log.

3) Contact Ohio Forestry Association to see if they have any members they know of who would want it...generally their members are larger mills, but worth a phone call
4) Go on this site and see if there is anyone in Ohio that will come to you for the planks or wood.
My brother and I drop trees as a hobby and only do it on Fridays.
If it's quality hardwood that we can turn into lumber and cut for firewood, we charge nothing.
Here's a large maple we did for a young lady.
She wanted it down fast, she said it was making noises 😄 plus it was only 15 feet from her house.PXL_20241127_183833268~2.jpgPXL_20241223_160149977.jpgPXL_20241223_160324897~2.jpg
If you were in my neighborhood, I'd come cut it for firewood.

How do you even deal with that kind of weight?
I've rolled 3' oak rounds onto my trailer...

Bigger wood gets noodled in order to load.
Lots of good advice here

Several options:
Call the tree company back and ask for a price to cut it into magageable rounds
Buy a saw like the Echo 590 or 620 and do it yourself
Run an ad on CL or Facebook advertising free wood

The advice on being very clear on what exactly is included in the price is invaluable
Would also be a good idea to be there in person when they did the work if possible.
One more option would be to put a big sign on it that says “Do not touch, purchaser will be here tomorrow to pick up.” It will be gone in the morning!🤣😂
What does "remove tree" mean?

I have an oak tree that's about 4 feet in diameter and about 90-100 feet tall. The tree was damaged due to heavy winds when tornados came through the area and the tree wasn't safe anymore.

I got some estimates and I mentioned that I wanted to keep some firewood so I got three options:

1. Remove tree and haul away logs and brush
2. Remove tree, haul away brush, leave logs for firewood, haul away brush (save $700)
3. Remove tree, leave all logs and brush (save $1200)

I went with option #2. It specifically said "for firewood". At the time, I asked about anything too big for firewood, like the trunk, and they said they would haul it away.

Here's my issue... When they came out to do the work they were planning on leaving the trunk. I can't use that for firewood! I don't have a chainsaw big enough to even cut through it, and even if I could, it would still be too large to split or even move around! So now they're charging me an additional $500 to haul away the trunk.

QUESTION: So my question is, would you expect hauling away the trunk would be included in "remove tree and leave logs for firewood"?
I had a tree like that at a church near me. Everyone took the limbs, but left the trunk. They said I am welcome to it. I had 20" saw and could not cut through trunk. I cut through both sides, then put a wedge in and a mall and I was able to cut the trunk up. Of course I had people stopping buy asking if I wanted the wood :) after I cut it up. I was sure to haul away what I did for the day or It would have been gone. Church was happy too.

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