thanks jimbo ...
In one of the search threads, I saw where someone suggested using a screwdriver the sides of the tip of which had been filed to a pointed spade and then the tip bent, but I couldn't figure where they inserted it ... between the seal and the case, but aiming toward the seal casing, to crunch the "near" side of the casing and reduce its effective circumference thereby allowing it to drop out ... or ... across the shaft and thru the rubber to the far side, to lift the seal up by the lip, working around the seal to eventually lift it up bit by bit-? Either one sounded like it might untrue the machining of the casing. Another idea which I kind of likes, was drilling two small holes in opposite sides of the casing and inserting two long self-tapping screws, which could then be grabbed with a std. puller.
Makita wants $50 for their seal puller ... pretty cool design (screws into the casing rim and pulls out against the shaft) but it was way too much money, for this saw. (it has a few trees left in it, but the lower bearing on the crank sort of feels a little sloppy -- main journal bearings are tight up-down, front-back and in-out with no movement whatsoever, but the two rod bearings, (probably more of the lower one) has slight .1mm tap-tap in it when lightly rocking the flywheel from cw to ccw rotation, any position of the piston.)