Rescue Techniques

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Hmmm, open mouth, out comes sarcasm, in goes foot.

Thanks for explaining things to us a bit better.

Still lots of things you could debate about. That is normal here though:rolleyes:

Thanks again

the reason you tie the person into your harness is so you can conotrol thier descent. otherwise you would have to rig a pulley system to lower them to the ground. also the reason you want them facing AWAY from you is this. say you are lowering an unconcious/ semi conscious person who you have tied into FACING you and while on the way down they come around and are combative and decide to yank the rope from you --thats a quick trip down for both of you, whereas if they are facing away from you they have a harder time reaching around to your equipment.
How many have checked with the manufacturer of their saddles to see if they are rated for two person loads? I'll bet no one.

I don't think this is a good recommendation no matter which way the patient is facing.

Errrr......Tom, If ANSI standards require a 5000lb rating of the saddle as a package (some like Ness use 2500lb Ds since the load is shared between 2) how can two persons ever be an issue? Granted that 2 people hanging on one 2500Lb D goes beyond a 10/1 safety factor but it isn't going to fail.
As for the best way to lower an injured climber I don't know-there are pros and cons to any system. If it ever falls to me to get someone down (hope not) I'll try to evaluate the immediate situation and act accordingly.:angel:
Tom, in my AR training we never connect directly harness-to-harness. We always connect the victim and the rescuer to the rappel device independently. You still have control of the descent and can position the victim for best rescue, but you don't have any of the complications of loading a harness in ways it was not designed to have. I don't necessarily mean loading in ways that could cause failure, but in ways that pull it out of shape, giving trouble to the wearer in terms of mobility and comfort. No reason that I can see to do it differently.