trying to decide if the vermeer s600tx is the mini loader for me, and wanted to get some experienced opinions . the machine is a 2005 with 780 hrs on a kubota 25hp diesel. it has multiple owners which is kind of a red flag for me but the machine seems to be in decent condition from pics and owners description( seemed like a honest guy but you never know). I dont own anything with a diesel engine which can be a down fall for repairs in the future since i dont know a lot about them. Apparently they have more longevity and torque on the plus side. the machine is roughly 29oo lbs and wondering if this will be ok on finished lawns that we work on( i understand it depends on the operator ). I am in an area where these loaders are far and few between, and this one is somewhat close to drive to and inspect( about a 2 hour drive ) which is very hard to come by for me. please give any constructive criticism and pros and cons that you know of with hard proof and experience, thanks in advance.