Ok all knew question on rim sprockets, I couldn't find this by searching but thought it fit well with this convo so no need for a new thread.
Recently aquired an ms 460 from a gentleman here, runs like a champ but the clutch "jingled" and I couldn't idle it low enough to make the chain stop completely soooo clutch springs. Upon disassembly I dicovered that the clutch drum was worn just to that 80% mark listed in the manual so my thoughts where that the worn drum is what caused the springs to prematurely wear, as the clutch shoes looked fairly new. So when I ordered a new one although I specified a drum for a 7 pin sprocket I got the 8 pin kit. My question is, is it safe to run the 7 pin sprocket on an 8 pin drum. The spline lines up fine but the drum doesn't have the small indents where the chains links are just a fuzz deeper than the 7 pin sprocket.
My thoughts are that the chain links will wear the indents in quickly and cosidering how guys talk of switching rim sprockets back and forth all the time it's not an issue. Just want to confirm before I put unessesary wear on the chain, or drum for that matter, or worse if it's enough to cause the chain to jump or something.