Remeber the apple tre in the "Wizard of Oz"?.....
Maybe you should ask the tree first.... There are few things we do these days as truly primal amd satisfying as picking ripe fruit right off the tree and eating 'til you can't eat anymore...
Reminds me of a 40-50' fig tree I met in Chico Ca... summer of '93... she had a big hollow, but was loaded with ripe fruit... dropping at my feet... tasted like it was injected with sugar..
Then there was the time, right after i got back from a wilderness survival training school with Tom Brown, when I was trying to eat and bag a buch of white pine shoots, before the guys chipped them all... One of the guys I was working with then was from the inner city.... he just looked at me and said with a serious tone.."your mama didn't raise you right"... Different strokes... After that class, I realized how much good food goes through the chipper... especially in spring time... maple seed pods are tasty etc...
Speaking of tasty... I would like to get some education on edible wild mushrooms... I heard years ago, that anything growing on wood, wasn't poisonous, though much was unpaletable...
I was out walking in the woods yesterday, working up an appetitie and came across these fine looking shrooms .... left them there though... anyone recognize these beauties?