ripping chain

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User Formerly known as stephenbullman
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
hi everyone, first post here

I just bought a ripping chain for my 362. Nobody seems to know how to sharpen it though, anyone here have one and can give me any advice?
MB, eh?

There are a number of different designs of ripping chain. The best would probably be to try to match what you have. Basically they are filed much straighter across than standard chain. Some have two different tooth pattern alternating and use a different raker setting on each. Oregon chain site has instructions for theirs. do a search for Pro Cut Chainsaw Mill. Lots of info there too.

Welcome SB,

You didn't say what brand the ripping chain is.

If by chance it is regular plain Jane ripping chain from Sthil it is filed 10 degrees or darn near straight across.

Unless your milling actual lumber I don't think you will find a big difference between rip chain and the standard chain.

thank for your help everyone.

ax man, you're right about not noticing the difference, bit dissapointed really. I bought it to cut rings which are too big to fit in the splitting bay of my firewood processor, thought it would pis* through them but the difference is hardly noticable, if at all.
Did plank up some douglas fir freehand though and it did make a nice smooth finish compared to a cross cut chain.

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