River drivin stick

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Aug 30, 2001
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Southwest Wisconsin
I bought this at a auction a couple of weeks ago and I thinks it's what they used on the log drives years ago,but I don't know forsure. Seth
Ah for the memory. Wish I still had mine. I watched the annual log drive on the North Fork Clearwater when I was kid. For the life of me I can't recall the name of the pole. somehow pike doesn't seem quite right.

Harry K
yes, that could be a pike pole. it was used by bolt punchers or pond monkeys to move the log bolts onto the conveyer at the mill. river pigs,rollers and teamsters used long handle peaveys to drive the logs down stream. time-life books printed a real good logger history book,THE LOGGERS. marty
Thanks for the info guys.I will have to order a copy of that "Logger"book Marty.There are a couple of logging museums in northern Wisconsin I was planning visting and studying on the weekends this summer but the law dogs say I can't drive out of the countys I live and work in.Lumberinspector and I are going to Hayward in July for the world Championships so maybe we will swing over and check en out. Seth

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