holee mackerall!! Potter is superhuman!! Years ago, Jean Boivin, at the time the world's top skieur de la extreme, from Chamonix, died base jumping Angel Falls. His wife went first, and they heard on the radio that she had problems. He hastily jumped--and didn't make it. Tragic. She was fine.
Phew, 7 days holed up on Rainier--sounds like no fun at all..
I believe I heard of three deaths there in the last few days....
I did Liberty Ridge back in 1980 or so..about the time it was first skiied.
Twice I tried to ski the Kautz route.. a good friend and his party skiied what they thought was the Mowich Face, but actually did the Edmunds Headwall. I have other firends that, just in the last four years, have done many incredible ski lines in the Cascades, many with cruxes well over 55 degrees.