Root Cutters?????

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The manufacturer, for legal reasons, requires you sign a safety acknowlegement. Alice is built, designed and intended to pull fence posts. It is grossly overbuilt for even the largest of fence posts or basketball poles, flagloles, etc.

Since it has the power and ability to yank just about anything out of the ground that it can grip around, guys will use it for whatever purpose they have.

Since the manufacturer does not want to be held liable for men and their own stupidity, Alice is NOT RECOMMENDED for pulling anything other than fence posts. The disclaimer simply requres that you are aware of this, and you will accept responsibility for anything that would happen if you use it outside those intended purposes.

I don't want you to do like the Tree Machine. Just because I show you a bunch of pictures of Alice hogging out some major rootballs does not necessarily mean that THAT is what the device is to be used for. I signed the disclaimer and do with Alice what I wish. I transplant trees and lift mondo rocks with it too, and it can lift the corner of a barn or pull a human up out of a hole but these are not at all recommended by the manufacturer.

For the most part I swiftly and powerfully pull roots with such absolute authority that using Alice to do such stuff is a complete kick in the pants. Bushes and saplings. Pop! It is fun, and I know I am risking my life and face every time it is used to pull a root. Yea, a lot can happen under such forces, but when you're working the winch, one click at a time, it is very slow, powerful, and controlled. It's a real testosterone device.

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