That's It!
Remind me to send your hat with your next parts order.
Only a hat!!!.............LOL
That's It!
Remind me to send your hat with your next parts order.
Couple 120Si's and a 109
One that doesnt run?
The Dolmars have a great look to them.
143 I suppose
I was trying to stay away from Dolmars, seeing how we have Huskys, Stihls, Macs, Homeys, Pioneers, Poulans, haha and a few more.
I feel the need to find some Dolmars now.
Ok, here is another quiz, but you don't win anything LOL.
What saw is this.
That's ugly! I hope mine never looks like that,was it straight gassed?
On the pic, above this post, of the 119 starter side, the 2nd bolt up from the oil cap.
Would that be the same size bolt as the 120si & can someone tell me the size?
I'm looking at a IPL for the 120si & can't seem to locate that bolt.
I found the exhaust port/muffer size:
Muffler bolt-#52-- 905 106 558-- GE 2 2
Fillister head screw M6x55
I'd like to round up both before I take a road trip to inspect/pick-up the saw.
Figure I'll bring a new spark plug & haven't run across a compression reading yet.
What would be considered good compression on this model, 125-150psi?
Thanks guys.
Also, according to my calculations when I pull the muffler & measure from the cylinder wall to the edge of the piston ring I should be right on 2" coz the 49mm piston oughta be 1 59.5/64" w/o adding the compressed ring width.
That is correct is it not?
Seeing how this is a mix n match parts saw I want to make sure it isn't a 116si.
Here's a few particular dolmars in my collection, which one doesn't see too often :
CK4 two man saw (150cc), that supposedly also could be used as a one man saw. The top handle is a bit bent, but it's a sweet runner.
I have two of these : a dolmar CX taifun...quite heavy
this is a pneumatic saw, called PD. It was used in a coal mine to cut building posts.
same era, the electrical DD. It's chain rides inside the bar groove.
My latest dolmar addition, a CF geardrive
my trusted dolmar CL military version, a very tough built 2 man saw.
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Now he is bringing out the heavy artillary, LOL.
Thanks Roland, for putting up these picts on this thread, it shows others where the SD saws came from. Few people know that the Dolmars were argueably the worlds first portable chainsaws. The story of Emmil Learp, must check the spelling of his name, is not as well known as that of Andraes Stihl.