Golly, Hawk...does this mean we won't be getting a Christmas card from you?
Hey, one question. When you were in the service, were you a WO?
Hey, one question. When you were in the service, were you a WO?
I think they know this and my seeing them have to live with their mistake is a lot more eye opening than a few words written down here. Yeah, i once in a while mention one of these guys to a newbie i'm breaking in if i see them doing one of the things that messed up my buddies, but repeating it constantly has a lesser effect in my opinion. You mention it once, and the newbie listens, you keep harping on it and they starrt rolling their eyes every time you mention it.. I know and everyone else reading this .. know's... you call a spade a spade, you say that accident was a real boner, I / or they scewed up etc. etc.
Hawk, If I had any respect for you you, it is gone! You sure are and Idiot with too much time and a keyboard!
Jeff Lovstrom
Yep, I'm a Idiot and the Subject is Safety.
How many times would an Idiot have to say that the 1st Post was to open the door to others to add on to this post. The follow on subject is Accident Prevention and / or Awareness. We have thousand's (from members) of real life examples and some of them are funny because No one was seriously hurt.
J C.. was not a lecture why flip this Safety Topic upside down when it should or could have been the a lot of " Valued Information brought out to the membership. " Also, I expected a few chuckles because we all make mistake's and must laugh at ourself when injury's are not involved.
Regarding my 32 yr. mil. (AD, Guard & Resv.) back ground, PM me and I'll talk about it, otherwise, not the issue at hand and what difference does it make to (like) Idiots ?
Yep, I'm a Idiot and the Subject is Safety for Kidde Idiot's.
How many times would an Idiot have to say that the 1st Post from me was to open the door to others... to add-on to this post. The follow on subject is: Accident Prevention and / or Awareness, Include's Operational How To (if desired). We have thousand's (from members) of real life examples of minor to serious accident examples and some of them are funny because No one was seriously hurt.
J C.. was not a lecture why flip this Safety Topic upside down when it should or could have been a lot of " Valued Information brought out to the membership. " Also, I expected a few chuckles because we all make mistake's and must laugh at ourself when injury's are not involved.
Regarding my 32 yr. mil. (AD, Guard & Resv.) back ground, PM me and I'll talk about it, otherwise, not the issue at hand and what difference does it make to (like) Idiots ?
I did send out my Mil. (basic) Service out by PM and it is my confidential back ground that has (nearly) zero to do with the Safety Topic..
Mil. Jobs - Safety Officer, Training Off, Security Off., Maint. Off., Operations Off., Property Book Off. and all the add-on duties that comes along when your in the military.
The Safety Officer back ground was used in this topic for my qualification and that's all. I used my Hawk ID because I like the handle part of it. The avaition examles are from the Commerical Operations and Nothing to with Army.
Also, it does not matter about my Mil. back ground, this entire post is in regard to Safety and Helping Others, and to Pass on your Safety Tips !
Some of you are B S'rrr's. and could care less about my mil. service so don't worry about it or blow smoke up my back side. I don't care what you think after neg. & repeated posts. The line is drawn in the sand and I'm standing right here ! I have yet to get a PM from any of you brave folks so it's all about the showing your back side and stupid on & on.. bla bla bla (just nuts).
Post as Much and as Often as You can, show me how much B S you can sling that's not worth a lot, just a personal attack on me and shows your true self to the members here. Continue to go off the topic and say a lot of huyee crapp that means Nothing.
I really like to see some Posts that outlined a problem you ran into. How you cut the tree or job X ?. If a incident (accident) happened, what happened and why ? How did you fix or handle the problem from there ? Add your experience's and spread the word, post some pictures (worth a 1000 words). Hey Pro's... How difficult would that be to do ?
Closing.. if a couple good posts were added (suggested above) here ... as intended from day one.... I'd Edit Out all my posts but the 1st one and this Safety Post could be a Winner with Lot's of Meat (value) for Everyone (and few funny posts as well) ! ! !
One of my biggest pet peeves is a guy that don't tell me on Friday he dropped a log on his toe and on Monday decides he needs to go to the clinic on WC. How do I know if he hurt it on his weekend?
You don't but then if he is tough enough to wait till Monday he should be tough enough to work ehhhhhh?
Good one!
How many of you are using chains and cables that are over stress and you can tell this because the links are funky and stretched out and your're still using this chain because it has not broken yet { did you read that on the home forum too).