saw market shares

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What do you mean by market share?
Are you wanting a link that compares different brands by model
displacement, hp, etc?
I detect a tad bit of animosity in your latest posts. Good!
I am a John Wayne fan, but I must take exception to the last reply. if you all can make sense of Tony's latest post, then give
a reply to him.
If you wish to sparr with me, then leave Tony out of the mix.
I enjoy fighting with engineer types, as they usually cannot
change a sparkplug without screwing it up. Of course they can
explain in great detail how the sparkplug works, but I digress.
Engineers cannot spell correctly as well. as a rule.
You preach high octane, synthetic oil, splitfire plugs, etc.
You wear turtlenecks, drink wine coolers, and use words like
egregious, but we accept you anyway.
You want to have a ?????fest? I do not even use a Thesaurus
so big long words do not bother me much.
I am just kidding you guys, I think you all are great!
Great at what is the big question.
I detect a tad bit of animosity in your latest posts. Good
None on my part. I appreciate your sarcastic humor Just to clear things up. I am not a engineer(wish I was with the money they make),sure as heck dont drink wine, dont own a turtle neck, I do spell like crap, and I do know how to change a plug and how and why it works.:D
No animosity, just a redneck stirring the pot a little. Of course
drinking beer all day may have had a little to do with it too.
Ask Lambert, I am just a troublemaker. I am also jealous of
your John Wayne pic by your name. How do you all put these
neat little graphics up by your name? I am computer illiterate,
so if it is too involved, I would probably not be able to do it
anyway. The girl cartoon running is my favorite.
Originally posted by Fish
I detect a tad bit of animosity in your latest posts. Good!
I am a John Wayne fan, but I must take exception to the last reply. if you all can make sense of Tony's latest post, then give
a reply to him.
If you wish to sparr with me, then leave Tony out of the mix.
I enjoy fighting with engineer types, as they usually cannot
change a sparkplug without screwing it up. Of course they can
explain in great detail how the sparkplug works, but I digress.
Engineers cannot spell correctly as well. as a rule.
You preach high octane, synthetic oil, splitfire plugs, etc.
You wear turtlenecks, drink wine coolers, and use words like
egregious, but we accept you anyway.
You want to have a ?????fest? I do not even use a Thesaurus
so big long words do not bother me much.
I am just kidding you guys, I think you all are great!
Great at what is the big question.

No they drink White Zinfandel with straws